Top Winning Drivers for the Year
January 1, 2024 Through October 5, 2024
DRIVERS Sts 1st 2nd 3rd $Won Win% UDRS
Gilles J Barrieau 28 15 6 4 62,677 53.6 .702
Todd G Trites 32 9 6 7 28,544 28.1 .458
Colin M Decourcey 42 5 9 6 19,691 11.9 .285
Myles Heffernan 24 5 3 8 60,505 20.8 .388
Stephen A Trites 33 5 2 6 12,122 15.2 .245
Wayne D Watson 14 5 2 4 13,581 35.7 .531
Shawn O Maclennan 16 4 2 3 6,788 25.0 .381
Brodie A Mac Phee 25 3 8 7 28,698 12.0 .391
Adam Merner 24 3 7 3 48,199 12.5 .328
Dr Mitchell M Downey 23 3 6 2 11,101 13.0 .304
Mark A Haig 32 3 3 6 17,656 9.4 .208
Jason K Hughes 13 3 3 4 33,644 23.1 .461
Michael B Downey 12 2 2 2 5,865 16.7 .314
Paul W Langille 8 2 2 2 14,454 25.0 .472
Pascal Berube 5 2 1 1 7,500 40.0 .577
Brett D Leblanc 2 2 0 0 5,150 100.0 1.000
Samuel E Hodgin 10 1 2 2 3,487 10.0 .277
Gerard N Gallant 10 1 2 1 2,460 10.0 .244
Jeff C Lewis 9 1 1 1 2,491 11.1 .209
Dale Pr Spence 3 1 1 0 4,850 33.3 .518
Nancy Gouin 4 1 0 1 1,508 25.0 .333
Kenneth P Arsenault 3 1 0 0 11,496 33.3 .333
Mark A Bradley 2 1 0 0 12,200 50.0 .500
Keith M Legge 2 1 0 0 1,300 50.0 .500
Brady C Sweet 6 0 2 1 7,534 0.0 .240
Dan S Deslandes 2 0 2 0 2,625 0.0 .555
Norris E Rogers 4 0 2 0 2,870 0.0 .277
Ulysse Omer Gallant 12 0 1 5 2,189 0.0 .185
Darren R Crowe 4 0 1 1 3,520 0.0 .222
Donald C Dickison 12 0 1 0 1,261 0.0 .046
Ryder Matthews Rennison 1 0 1 0 425 0.0 .555
Pierre-luc Roy 4 0 1 0 4,900 0.0 .138
Michael D Mcguigan 2 0 0 1 1,344 0.0 .166
Gregory A Bailey 2 0 0 0 3,500 0.0 .000
Zach P Conway 1 0 0 0 168 0.0 .000
Stefan J F Decourcey 5 0 0 0 250 0.0 .000
Corey W Macpherson 4 0 0 0 3,760 0.0 .000
Last 20 Days 17/6/2023 thru 5/10/2024
Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS Sts 1st 2nd 3rd $Won Win% UDRS
Todd G Trites 53 19 7 10 68,273 35.8 .494
Gilles J Barrieau 32 15 10 4 71,202 46.9 .684
Mark A Haig 59 11 9 13 44,169 18.6 .344
Colin M Decourcey 69 9 19 9 34,051 13.0 .326
Stephen A Trites 56 9 4 14 24,248 16.1 .283
Myles Heffernan 31 6 3 12 74,989 19.4 .376
Wayne D Watson 23 5 6 7 21,060 21.7 .463
Dale Pr Spence 11 5 2 0 13,756 45.5 .555
Dr Mitchell M Downey 31 4 8 2 15,662 12.9 .293
Jason K Hughes 18 4 4 5 43,841 22.2 .438
Last 15 Days 2/9/2023 thru 5/10/2024
Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS Sts 1st 2nd 3rd $Won Win% UDRS
Gilles J Barrieau 32 15 10 4 71,202 46.9 .684
Todd G Trites 38 14 6 8 46,908 36.8 .526
Mark A Haig 47 9 5 10 32,713 19.1 .321
Stephen A Trites 44 7 3 9 18,933 15.9 .265
Colin M Decourcey 55 6 13 8 26,469 10.9 .288
Myles Heffernan 26 6 3 9 69,677 23.1 .410
Wayne D Watson 18 5 4 5 16,135 27.8 .493
Dr Mitchell M Downey 29 4 7 2 14,412 13.8 .295
Shawn O Maclennan 16 4 2 3 6,788 25.0 .381
Paul W Langille 12 4 2 2 21,196 33.3 .481
Last 10 Days 6/7/2024 thru 5/10/2024
Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS Sts 1st 2nd 3rd $Won Win% UDRS
Gilles J Barrieau 28 15 6 4 62,677 53.6 .702
Todd G Trites 28 8 5 5 26,478 28.6 .444
Myles Heffernan 24 5 3 8 60,505 20.8 .388
Stephen A Trites 31 5 2 5 11,714 16.1 .250
Wayne D Watson 13 5 1 4 13,056 38.5 .529
Colin M Decourcey 39 4 8 6 18,291 10.3 .267
Adam Merner 24 3 7 3 48,199 12.5 .328
Dr Mitchell M Downey 19 3 5 2 9,776 15.8 .339
Mark A Haig 27 3 3 5 16,872 11.1 .234
Jason K Hughes 13 3 3 4 33,644 23.1 .461
Last 5 Days 7/9/2024 thru 5/10/2024
Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS Sts 1st 2nd 3rd $Won Win% UDRS
Todd G Trites 12 4 2 1 7,782 33.3 .453
Gilles J Barrieau 11 3 3 3 19,191 27.3 .515
Shawn O Maclennan 10 3 1 3 4,651 30.0 .455
Wayne D Watson 8 3 1 3 10,804 37.5 .569
Myles Heffernan 11 2 2 3 19,294 18.2 .373
Michael B Downey 6 2 2 0 3,785 33.3 .518
Jason K Hughes 8 2 1 3 20,750 25.0 .444
Adam Merner 13 2 1 2 23,772 15.4 .247
Stephen A Trites 14 2 1 2 4,319 14.3 .230
Brodie A Mac Phee 12 1 4 2 18,959 8.3 .324