Top Drivers at The Track On 2

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through September 15, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Michael R Hennessy            122    31    25    11     120,294    25.4    .397
David A Kelly                 122    24    27    19      97,490    19.7    .371
Philip Giesbrecht              50    19     5     9      74,924    38.0    .495
Nathan K Sobey                101    15    22    18      91,461    14.9    .328
Logan Gillis                   83    10    14     9      63,021    12.0    .250
Jamie D Gray                   75     7     9     7      53,897     9.3    .191
Thomas Michael Miller          52     6     7     8      31,925    11.5    .241
J Brandon Campbell             24     5     3     7      43,103    20.8    .375
Tyler R Redwood                17     4     2     3      14,362    23.5    .359
Kelly O Hoerdt                 37     2     3     5      23,289     5.4    .144
Tyson G Jacoby                 15     2     2     4       9,386    13.3    .296
Keith S Dicks                  35     2     1     3       7,920     5.7    .101
Phil J Price Jr                 4     2     0     0      11,750    50.0    .500
Jean Francois Gagne            29     1     3     4      10,399     3.4    .137
Gilles Bouvier                 19     1     2     1       5,780     5.3    .128
Christopher A Brown            30     1     1     5       6,684     3.3    .107
Scott L Knight                 11     1     1     3       8,835     9.1    .232
Jacques W Lambert              13     1     1     3       6,317     7.7    .196
Serge Masse                     8     1     1     2      23,781    12.5    .277
Terry D Kaufman                 1     1     0     0       1,900   100.0   1.000
Brett Erickson                 48     0     4     5      11,751     0.0    .081
Darren G Callaghan             16     0     1     2       3,626     0.0    .076
Robert E Scrannage             11     0     1     1       2,383     0.0    .080
Ryan Grundy                     3     0     1     0       1,645     0.0    .185
Richard F Schneider            17     0     0     3       2,795     0.0    .058
Kelly D Ducharme                7     0     0     1         782     0.0    .047
John D Glen                     8     0     0     1       2,042     0.0    .041
Brian J Gray                    6     0     0     1         841     0.0    .055
Harold R Haining                5     0     0     1         964     0.0    .066
Clinton B Warrington Jr         3     0     0     1       1,436     0.0    .111
Kaitlin Haining                 2     0     0     0         352     0.0    .000
Kevin M Hildebrandt             2     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000

                    Last 20 Days 2/9/2023 thru 15/9/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
David A Kelly                 156    37    31    23     140,329    23.7    .396
Michael R Hennessy            156    34    33    18     145,636    21.8    .373
Philip Giesbrecht              57    19     5     9      77,124    33.3    .434
Nathan K Sobey                119    18    26    19     107,681    15.1    .325
J Brandon Campbell             50    13     8    12      75,398    26.0    .428
Logan Gillis                  116    12    20    16      83,830    10.3    .245
Jamie D Gray                   86    11    10    10      70,333    12.8    .231
Thomas Michael Miller          63     7    11     9      40,059    11.1    .255
Kelly O Hoerdt                 50     4     3     7      30,823     8.0    .160
Tyler R Redwood                17     4     2     3      14,362    23.5    .359

                    Last 15 Days 29/6/2024 thru 15/9/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Michael R Hennessy            117    29    25    10     116,025    24.8    .395
David A Kelly                 114    24    24    18      93,193    21.1    .380
Philip Giesbrecht              50    19     5     9      74,924    38.0    .495
Nathan K Sobey                 94    11    21    17      81,855    11.7    .301
Logan Gillis                   76     9    12     8      57,275    11.8    .241
Jamie D Gray                   69     6     9     6      50,401     8.7    .188
Thomas Michael Miller          48     6     6     7      30,071    12.5    .243
J Brandon Campbell             24     5     3     7      43,103    20.8    .375
Tyler R Redwood                17     4     2     3      14,362    23.5    .359
Kelly O Hoerdt                 37     2     3     5      23,289     5.4    .144

                    Last 10 Days 4/8/2024 thru 15/9/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Michael R Hennessy             79    19    20     7      85,201    24.1    .410
Philip Giesbrecht              41    17     4     6      66,376    41.5    .517
David A Kelly                  82    16    17    15      66,701    19.5    .371
Nathan K Sobey                 54     6    13    10      55,241    11.1    .306
Jamie D Gray                   46     5     4     6      38,970    10.9    .200
Tyler R Redwood                17     4     2     3      14,362    23.5    .359
Logan Gillis                   49     3     7     4      37,022     6.1    .167
J Brandon Campbell              9     3     1     2      33,109    33.3    .469
Thomas Michael Miller          27     2     4     3      15,670     7.4    .193
Keith S Dicks                  19     2     1     3       7,260    10.5    .187

                    Last 5 Days 7/9/2024 thru 15/9/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Philip Giesbrecht              19    10     3     1      42,299    52.6    .631
Michael R Hennessy             39     8    12     5      52,470    20.5    .418
David A Kelly                  40     8     5     7      32,971    20.0    .327
Nathan K Sobey                 32     3     8     9      34,600     9.4    .326
Logan Gillis                   26     3     3     2      30,066    11.5    .205
Jamie D Gray                   19     2     2     3      21,535    10.5    .216
Tyler R Redwood                10     2     2     1       9,272    20.0    .344
Phil J Price Jr                 4     2     0     0      11,750    50.0    .500
Kelly O Hoerdt                 25     1     3     3      13,150     4.0    .146
Serge Masse                     7     1     1     2      23,781    14.3    .317

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