Top Drivers at Northside Downs

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through November 10, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Ryan C Campbell               116    31    19    16      27,403    26.7    .404
Ardon S Mofford               144    30    33    17      32,168    20.8    .375
Randy F Getto                  91    18    13    11      21,744    19.8    .317
John Gerard Kennedy           110    18    11    14      20,599    16.4    .261
Lawrence M Snow                99    17    10    17      17,671    17.2    .285
Mark J Pezzarello             166    16    29    28      27,033     9.6    .249
Jason A Mac Neil               87    13    13     8      15,279    14.9    .263
Kevin J Bailey                 79    10    11     7      14,420    12.7    .233
Keigan J Madden               110    10     9    19      14,560     9.1    .193
Harold J Leblanc Jr            61    10     7     7      11,590    16.4    .265
Adam Lynk                     110     9    17    21      17,367     8.2    .231
Angus M Bates                  82     7     9    16      11,072     8.5    .211
Marc Campbell                  24     7     6     4      44,086    29.2    .486
Rodney Gillis                  19     7     2     5       6,472    36.8    .514
Redmond Kc Doucet              32     6     5     7      19,077    18.8    .347
Roderick J Gillis              39     6     5     7       6,141    15.4    .284
Adam Merner                    18     6     5     1      45,203    33.3    .506
Jeremy Baker                   44     5     9     5       8,249    11.4    .265
Gregory W Sparling             32     4     4     4       4,490    12.5    .236
Brett D Leblanc                11     4     2     2       3,329    36.4    .525
Myles Heffernan Sr             14     3     4     2      29,212    21.4    .420
Evan R Wilson                  20     3     2     6       3,199    15.0    .305
David J Dowling                 7     2     2     2      21,273    28.6    .539
Corey W Macpherson             11     2     2     1      18,700    18.2    .313
Paul W Langille                12     2     1     4      21,180    16.7    .324
Monica Sutherland               6     2     1     2       3,023    33.3    .537
Zachary D Mullins               8     2     0     1       5,920    25.0    .291
Michael D Mcguigan              6     2     0     0      13,468    33.3    .333
Joseph G Poirier               12     2     0     0       1,186    16.7    .166
Richie P Baryluk               39     1     7     4       3,749     2.6    .159
Kenneth G Passerini            23     1     5     3       2,808     4.3    .207
John C Ellsworth               24     1     3     2       2,257     4.2    .138
Aidan Dicks                    18     1     2     5       2,239     5.6    .209
Roddy Cory Hurley               8     1     1     1       1,202    12.5    .236
Mary Clare Macdonald            6     1     1     0       5,732    16.7    .259
Gregory A Bailey                2     1     0     0         550    50.0    .500
Ryder Matthews Rennison         2     1     0     0         800    50.0    .500
Brodie A Mac Phee              10     0     3     3      18,709     0.0    .266
John P Hawco                   14     0     2     1       1,262     0.0    .103
Keith M Legge                   2     0     2     0         605     0.0    .555
Shawn R Lynk                   20     0     1     5       1,851     0.0    .111
Ambrose J Gillis                2     0     1     1         434     0.0    .444
Tim Gillis                      2     0     1     0         320     0.0    .277
A Lewis Macdonell               2     0     1     0         258     0.0    .277
Leonard W Myers                 1     0     1     0       3,080     0.0    .555
Robert G Mac Cormick            5     0     0     1         310     0.0    .066
Kenneth J Macdonald             1     0     0     1       1,848     0.0    .333
Travis D Maclean                3     0     0     1         157     0.0    .111
Danny E Campbell                1     0     0     0          84     0.0    .000
Vaughan A Doyle                 1     0     0     0         616     0.0    .000

                    Last 20 Days 22/6/2024 thru 10/11/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Ardon S Mofford               119    22    26    15      25,638    18.5    .348
Ryan C Campbell                84    22    11    13      19,551    26.2    .386
Randy F Getto                  66    16     9     7      17,934    24.2    .353
Lawrence M Snow                80    13    10    12      13,976    16.2    .281
Mark J Pezzarello             132    12    23    20      20,512     9.1    .238
Jason A Mac Neil               66    10     7     7      10,716    15.2    .245
Kevin J Bailey                 66     9    11     5      13,414    13.6    .254
Keigan J Madden                76     9     5    14      10,061    11.8    .216
John Gerard Kennedy            73     8     9     8      11,837    11.0    .214
Marc Campbell                  24     7     6     4      44,086    29.2    .486

                    Last 15 Days 27/7/2024 thru 10/11/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Ardon S Mofford                90    18    19    12      20,153    20.0    .361
Ryan C Campbell                53    13     8     8      11,572    24.5    .379
Randy F Getto                  48    13     7     5      14,939    27.1    .386
Lawrence M Snow                65    10     8    10      10,894    15.4    .273
Mark J Pezzarello             100     9    18    17      16,168     9.0    .246
Jason A Mac Neil               49     9     7     3       8,647    18.4    .283
Adam Lynk                      70     6    10    13      11,373     8.6    .226
Keigan J Madden                51     6     5    11       7,361    11.8    .244
Redmond Kc Doucet              22     6     3     4      13,982    27.3    .409
John Gerard Kennedy            57     5     7     7       8,797     8.8    .196

                    Last 10 Days 9/9/2024 thru 10/11/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Ardon S Mofford                65    13    12     9      14,917    20.0    .348
Ryan C Campbell                42    11     8     5       9,631    26.2    .407
Randy F Getto                  36    11     4     5      12,479    30.6    .413
Mark J Pezzarello              71     7    14    11      12,108     9.9    .259
Lawrence M Snow                41     7     5     6       6,702    17.1    .287
Redmond Kc Doucet              20     6     3     3      12,350    30.0    .433
Adam Lynk                      51     5     8     7       8,681     9.8    .230
Rodney Gillis                  14     5     1     3       4,734    35.7    .468
Jason A Mac Neil               33     4     5     1       4,918    12.1    .215
Keigan J Madden                34     4     4     7       5,000    11.8    .251

                    Last 5 Days 14/10/2024 thru 10/11/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Redmond Kc Doucet              20     6     3     3      12,350    30.0    .433
Ryan C Campbell                23     5     5     4       5,103    21.7    .396
Ardon S Mofford                31     5     5     4       6,938    16.1    .293
Mark J Pezzarello              36     4     4     2       4,936    11.1    .191
Adam Lynk                      26     3     4     4       4,022    11.5    .252
Randy F Getto                  19     3     3     4       6,312    15.8    .315
Keigan J Madden                18     3     3     4       3,193    16.7    .333
Lawrence M Snow                20     3     2     2       2,644    15.0    .238
Jason A Mac Neil               16     3     2     0       2,457    18.8    .256
Adam Merner                     6     3     1     0      20,016    50.0    .592

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