Top Drivers at Georgian Downs

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through August 31, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Austin Sorrie                 222    57    36    36     362,372    25.7    .400
Brett A Macdonald             177    35    29    18     242,938    19.8    .322
Jason D Ryan                  219    31    37    24     275,359    14.2    .271
Travis J Henry                162    31    26    22     225,577    19.1    .325
Colin Kelly                   137    21    16    23     159,056    15.3    .274
Travis A Cullen                97    20    18    10     146,506    20.6    .343
Samuel Fillion                221    19    34    32     224,340     8.6    .219
J Bradley Harris              163    17    21    21     155,075    10.4    .218
Stephen R Byron               126    13    14    15     124,256    10.3    .204
Scott R Young                  77    12    13    12     109,130    15.6    .301
Anthony P Haughan              69     9     8    14      78,109    13.0    .262
Tyler S Jones                  49     6     8     5      59,134    12.2    .247
Ed F Hensley                   37     5     4     9      47,918    13.5    .276
Tyler Moore                    13     5     0     6      29,386    38.5    .538
Ryan L Holliday                17     4     4     1      31,931    23.5    .385
Louis-philippe Roy             13     4     4     1      57,927    30.8    .504
Todd Ratchford                 24     4     3     4      33,930    16.7    .291
Dale Pr Spence                 25     3     3     3      25,607    12.0    .226
Daryl Thiessen                 36     3     2     4      27,552     8.3    .151
Douglas R Mcnair                9     3     2     1      68,437    33.3    .493
Tyler J Borth                   9     3     1     0      17,025    33.3    .395
Nicholas R Boyd                25     2     3     3      23,132     8.0    .186
Jean Bernard Renaud            22     2     3     3      22,454     9.1    .212
Nello Guglielmi                18     2     1     4      12,241    11.1    .216
Mark A Macdonell               10     2     1     0      12,907    20.0    .255
Wayne S Mac Lean               20     1     3     6      12,909     5.0    .233
George Ketros                  35     1     3     5      22,308     2.9    .123
Mark A Goddard                 10     1     2     2      11,401    10.0    .277
Keith E Jones                  30     1     2     2      16,911     3.3    .092
David M Boughton                7     1     1     2       9,634    14.3    .317
Paul B Davies                   9     1     1     2      11,490    11.1    .246
Bob Mcclure                     8     1     1     1      22,282    12.5    .236
Paul G Mackenzie               11     1     1     0       8,405     9.1    .141
Curtis R Clements               3     1     0     1       5,510    33.3    .444
Jody C Jamieson                 7     1     0     1       7,485    14.3    .190
A Eddie Green                   1     1     0     0       4,000   100.0   1.000
Louis P Gregg                  11     1     0     0       8,599     9.1    .090
Roger F Mayotte                 2     1     0     0       3,675    50.0    .500
Daniel R Obrian                 2     1     0     0       4,882    50.0    .500
Bradley M Rae                   3     1     0     0       5,620    33.3    .333
Michael W Whelan               16     0     3     2      12,109     0.0    .145
Ryan P Desroche                24     0     2     4      11,594     0.0    .101
Samara Johnson                 12     0     2     3      10,667     0.0    .175
Bruce M Richardson              6     0     2     0       7,200     0.0    .185
Natasha K Day                   6     0     1     1       3,432     0.0    .148
Mark G Etsell                   6     0     1     1       4,100     0.0    .148
Jimmy Gagnon                    9     0     1     1       4,658     0.0    .098
Don Johnson                    15     0     1     1       4,335     0.0    .059
R Dustin Jones                  5     0     1     1       3,925     0.0    .177
Paul Macdonell                  2     0     1     1       7,400     0.0    .444

                    Last 20 Days 16/7/2024 thru 31/8/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Austin Sorrie                 113    35    17    20     209,205    31.0    .452
Jason D Ryan                  121    23    20    14     178,462    19.0    .320
Brett A Macdonald              98    19    16     7     135,736    19.4    .308
Travis J Henry                 81    15    12    10     113,863    18.5    .308
Samuel Fillion                117    12    19    17     133,827    10.3    .241
Colin Kelly                    66    12    10    11      91,062    18.2    .321
Stephen R Byron                90    11    10     9      97,669    12.2    .217
J Bradley Harris               78     9    11    12      84,272    11.5    .245
Travis A Cullen                48     5     9     5      67,752    10.4    .243
Scott R Young                  35     4     6     7      48,347    11.4    .276

                    Last 15 Days 28/7/2024 thru 31/8/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Austin Sorrie                  88    24    13    18     157,107    27.3    .422
Jason D Ryan                   92    20    16    11     150,281    21.7    .353
Brett A Macdonald              78    16    11     5     111,246    20.5    .304
Travis J Henry                 60    12     8     9      87,199    20.0    .324
Stephen R Byron                76    10     8     4      81,211    13.2    .207
Colin Kelly                    50     8     7     9      66,490    16.0    .297
Samuel Fillion                 86     7    13    12      90,370     8.1    .211
J Bradley Harris               64     5    10    11      62,147     7.8    .222
Travis A Cullen                41     5     7     5      62,078    12.2    .257
Scott R Young                  27     3     5     6      39,115    11.1    .288

                    Last 10 Days 10/8/2024 thru 31/8/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Austin Sorrie                  63    16    10    15     113,263    25.4    .421
Jason D Ryan                   58    13     8     8      93,766    22.4    .346
Brett A Macdonald              51    11     9     2      81,026    21.6    .326
Travis J Henry                 46    11     5     7      73,845    23.9    .350
Stephen R Byron                52     8     5     2      58,931    15.4    .220
Colin Kelly                    39     6     6     7      50,924    15.4    .299
Samuel Fillion                 58     3    10     9      56,229     5.2    .199
J Bradley Harris               44     3     7     7      39,882     6.8    .209
Travis A Cullen                24     3     4     3      42,576    12.5    .259
Douglas R Mcnair                9     3     2     1      68,437    33.3    .493

                    Last 5 Days 20/8/2024 thru 31/8/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Brett A Macdonald              32     7     6     2      54,419    21.9    .343
Austin Sorrie                  39     7     4    12      55,972    17.9    .339
Jason D Ryan                   32     6     7     4      55,553    18.8    .350
Travis J Henry                 21     5     3     3      33,150    23.8    .365
Stephen R Byron                26     5     3     2      34,984    19.2    .282
Colin Kelly                    24     4     3     4      31,881    16.7    .291
Samuel Fillion                 35     2     6     4      35,578     5.7    .190
Scott R Young                   6     2     3     1      18,925    33.3    .666
J Bradley Harris               24     1     2     5      16,579     4.2    .157
Nicholas R Boyd                12     1     1     0       7,745     8.3    .129

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