Top Drivers at Georgian Downs

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through July 16, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Austin Sorrie                 109    22    19    16     153,167    20.2    .347
Brett A Macdonald              87    17    14    12     115,790    19.5    .330
Travis J Henry                 86    16    15    12     113,856    18.6    .329
Travis A Cullen                49    15     9     5      78,754    30.6    .442
Colin Kelly                    76    11     7    13      78,909    14.5    .252
Jason D Ryan                  103     9    18    11     103,754     8.7    .220
J Bradley Harris               90     9    10     9      74,740    10.0    .195
Scott R Young                  42     8     7     5      60,783    19.0    .322
Anthony P Haughan              36     8     5     8      55,589    22.2    .373
Samuel Fillion                110     7    16    16      93,808     6.4    .192
Ed F Hensley                   20     4     3     2      27,783    20.0    .316
Todd Ratchford                 21     4     3     2      30,570    19.0    .301
Ryan L Holliday                10     4     1     1      22,801    40.0    .488
Tyler Moore                     9     4     0     4      22,428    44.4    .592
Tyler S Jones                  21     3     2     4      25,541    14.3    .259
Tyler J Borth                   5     3     1     0      14,625    60.0    .711
Stephen R Byron                39     2     5     8      30,074     5.1    .190
Dale Pr Spence                 15     2     2     1      14,800    13.3    .229
Daryl Thiessen                 13     2     2     0      15,401    15.4    .239
Mark A Macdonell                9     2     1     0      12,443    22.2    .283
Louis-philippe Roy              5     2     1     0      10,554    40.0    .511
George Ketros                  23     1     3     4      18,564     4.3    .173
Wayne S Mac Lean               12     1     2     3       8,692     8.3    .259
Mark A Goddard                 10     1     2     2      11,401    10.0    .277
Jean Bernard Renaud            11     1     1     2       9,849     9.1    .202
David M Boughton                6     1     1     1       8,674    16.7    .314
Paul B Davies                   4     1     1     0       8,025    25.0    .388
A Eddie Green                   1     1     0     0       4,000   100.0   1.000
Nello Guglielmi                 5     1     0     0       3,440    20.0    .200
Roger F Mayotte                 2     1     0     0       3,675    50.0    .500
Samara Johnson                 12     0     2     3      10,667     0.0    .175
Natasha K Day                   6     0     1     1       3,432     0.0    .148
Don Johnson                    10     0     1     1       4,335     0.0    .088
Keith E Jones                  12     0     1     1       5,653     0.0    .074
R Dustin Jones                  5     0     1     1       3,925     0.0    .177
Paul K Walker                   3     0     1     1       2,960     0.0    .296
Mark G Etsell                   2     0     1     0       1,875     0.0    .277
Jimmy Gagnon                    3     0     1     0       2,550     0.0    .185
Lormer Mcclure                  2     0     1     0       2,620     0.0    .277
Bruce M Richardson              3     0     1     0       2,760     0.0    .185
Ryan P Desroche                 7     0     0     2       2,797     0.0    .095
T Marielle Enberg               4     0     0     2       3,168     0.0    .166
Phillippe Hudon                 8     0     0     2       3,085     0.0    .083
Gary J Rivest                   7     0     0     2       2,833     0.0    .095
Blair R Burgess                 1     0     0     1         900     0.0    .333
Mark L Johnson                  3     0     0     1       1,380     0.0    .111
Preston Shaw                    2     0     0     1         600     0.0    .166
Thomas W Smith                  7     0     0     1       3,402     0.0    .047
Mario J Baillargeon             1     0     0     0         792     0.0    .000
Doug S Brown                    1     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000

                    Last 20 Days 2/6/2024 thru 16/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Austin Sorrie                 109    22    19    16     153,167    20.2    .347
Brett A Macdonald              87    17    14    12     115,790    19.5    .330
Travis J Henry                 86    16    15    12     113,856    18.6    .329
Travis A Cullen                49    15     9     5      78,754    30.6    .442
Colin Kelly                    76    11     7    13      78,909    14.5    .252
Jason D Ryan                  103     9    18    11     103,754     8.7    .220
J Bradley Harris               90     9    10     9      74,740    10.0    .195
Scott R Young                  42     8     7     5      60,783    19.0    .322
Anthony P Haughan              36     8     5     8      55,589    22.2    .373
Samuel Fillion                110     7    16    16      93,808     6.4    .192

                    Last 15 Days 15/6/2024 thru 16/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Austin Sorrie                  88    17    15    13     121,487    19.3    .337
Brett A Macdonald              68    14    10    10      90,455    20.6    .336
Colin Kelly                    62    11     6    11      71,929    17.7    .290
Travis A Cullen                37     9     8     5      52,599    24.3    .408
Travis J Henry                 59     8    11     6      65,131    13.6    .273
J Bradley Harris               66     7     9     8      60,395    10.6    .222
Samuel Fillion                 87     6    14    13      78,463     6.9    .208
Jason D Ryan                   77     6    11     8      71,150     7.8    .191
Scott R Young                  36     6     6     4      46,988    16.7    .296
Anthony P Haughan              17     5     1     3      28,559    29.4    .385

                    Last 10 Days 25/6/2024 thru 16/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Austin Sorrie                  62    11    11    10      83,463    17.7    .329
Brett A Macdonald              51    10     7     7      66,903    19.6    .318
Colin Kelly                    42     9     4     5      51,281    21.4    .306
Travis J Henry                 41     6     5     5      42,909    14.6    .254
J Bradley Harris               51     5     7     5      45,848     9.8    .206
Samuel Fillion                 66     4    12     9      56,890     6.1    .207
Jason D Ryan                   51     4     9     5      47,426     7.8    .209
Travis A Cullen                27     4     5     5      28,625    14.8    .312
Ryan L Holliday                10     4     1     1      22,801    40.0    .488
Scott R Young                  22     3     3     3      25,484    13.6    .257

                    Last 5 Days 7/7/2024 thru 16/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Brett A Macdonald              31     7     4     3      43,117    22.6    .329
Colin Kelly                    25     5     2     2      25,901    20.0    .271
Austin Sorrie                  28     3     5     3      27,301    10.7    .242
J Bradley Harris               27     3     2     2      21,870    11.1    .176
Travis J Henry                 16     3     2     1      18,329    18.8    .277
Ed F Hensley                    5     3     0     0      12,987    60.0    .599
Samuel Fillion                 33     2     7     4      28,169     6.1    .218
Scott R Young                  10     2     3     0      16,620    20.0    .366
Travis A Cullen                15     2     2     4      14,130    13.3    .296
Daryl Thiessen                 13     2     2     0      15,401    15.4    .239

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