Top Drivers at Fraser Downs

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through November 29, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Scott L Knight                375    77    76    52     555,056    20.5    .364
Kelly O Hoerdt                301    72    44    54     429,204    23.9    .380
Allan G Molloy                256    56    47    32     310,406    21.9    .362
David P Hudon                 345    54    54    65     359,471    15.7    .306
John R Abbott                 292    36    55    54     326,911    12.3    .289
Rod Therres                   144    34    27    22     324,137    23.6    .391
Philip Giesbrecht              75    27    17    12     335,624    36.0    .539
Tyson G Jacoby                249    22    25    33     177,192     8.8    .188
Blaine P Chappell             195    11    14    36     113,975     5.6    .157
Bradley R Watt                150    10    18    17      94,970     6.7    .171
Kevin D Anderson              107     9    12    21      80,206     8.4    .211
Glenn White                    20     7     9     2      79,010    35.0    .633
Serge Masse                    13     7     3     2      49,130    53.8    .717
Randy D Rutledge               27     6     1     5      24,338    22.2    .304
Dennis Johnston               101     5     8    14      52,108     5.0    .139
Clinton B Warrington Jr        48     3     9     5      44,655     6.2    .201
Richard D Lancaster            11     3     2     1      13,823    27.3    .404
Terry D Kaufman                17     2     5     3      21,209    11.8    .339
Constance E Kolthammer         13     2     3     1      12,430    15.4    .307
Carson Abbott                  32     2     2     1       9,989     6.2    .107
Robert E Scrannage             94     1     6     8      34,759     1.1    .074
John W Hudon                   27     1     4     0      17,205     3.7    .119
Travis Tracey                  48     1     3     4      12,812     2.1    .083
Christopher J Linford           3     1     0     0       3,200    33.3    .333
Larry J Small                   8     0     1     4       6,353     0.0    .236
David A Kelly                   8     0     1     1       3,155     0.0    .111
David R Mckellar                2     0     1     0       2,675     0.0    .277
Donald R Ross                  10     0     0     0       1,272     0.0    .000

                    Last 20 Days 26/9/2024 thru 29/11/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Allan G Molloy                122    30    22    15     156,886    24.6    .387
David P Hudon                 139    25    23    30     169,558    18.0    .343
Philip Giesbrecht              58    22    13     9     266,174    37.9    .555
Scott L Knight                141    21    28    21     222,297    14.9    .308
Kelly O Hoerdt                131    21    21    24     185,195    16.0    .310
Rod Therres                    63    17    13    11     223,041    27.0    .442
John R Abbott                 106    16    20    16     141,088    15.1    .306
Tyson G Jacoby                100    11    12    11      82,120    11.0    .213
Serge Masse                    13     7     3     2      49,130    53.8    .717
Blaine P Chappell              80     5     8    11      47,724     6.2    .163

                    Last 15 Days 11/10/2024 thru 29/11/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Kelly O Hoerdt                124    21    21    22     178,099    16.9    .322
Allan G Molloy                 95    21    18     9     115,030    22.1    .357
David P Hudon                 104    20    20    21     131,482    19.2    .366
Philip Giesbrecht              44    18     8     6     230,974    40.9    .555
Scott L Knight                102    15    19    15     165,422    14.7    .299
John R Abbott                  80    13    13    13     114,597    16.2    .306
Rod Therres                    43    10     7     9     178,221    23.3    .392
Tyson G Jacoby                 78     8    12     8      67,744    10.3    .222
Randy D Rutledge               13     5     0     2      15,732    38.5    .435
Blaine P Chappell              58     4     7     9      37,829     6.9    .187

                    Last 10 Days 31/10/2024 thru 29/11/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Kelly O Hoerdt                 85    15    17    14     135,112    17.6    .342
David P Hudon                  72    14    15    14      95,415    19.4    .375
Allan G Molloy                 64    14    10     9      76,658    21.9    .352
Philip Giesbrecht              25    13     3     3     171,655    52.0    .626
John R Abbott                  52     8     7     8      79,288    15.4    .279
Scott L Knight                 57     7    14     8      84,104    12.3    .306
Tyson G Jacoby                 59     6    10     6      51,502    10.2    .229
Rod Therres                    24     5     2     6      42,532    20.8    .337
Blaine P Chappell              42     4     5     6      31,085     9.5    .208
Randy D Rutledge                6     3     0     1       8,618    50.0    .555

                    Last 5 Days 15/11/2024 thru 29/11/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
David P Hudon                  32     8     7     5      50,481    25.0    .423
Philip Giesbrecht              15     8     1     3     134,264    53.3    .637
Kelly O Hoerdt                 43     7    14     9      91,217    16.3    .413
Allan G Molloy                 32     5     4     6      29,465    15.6    .288
Scott L Knight                 33     4     9     4      60,958    12.1    .313
Tyson G Jacoby                 30     3     1     0      23,164    10.0    .118
Randy D Rutledge                4     3     0     0       7,850    75.0    .750
John R Abbott                  28     2     3     5      45,737     7.1    .190
Rod Therres                     6     2     1     1      22,800    33.3    .481
Dennis Johnston                 2     2     0     0       5,450   100.0   1.000

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