Breeding statistics


                                 2024                    2023                    2022                    2021
Province                   Stallion   Mare          Stallion   Mare          Stallion   Mare          Stallion   Mare          

Alberta                     20        245 (2)        17        273 (96)       16        231 (79)       17        216 (43)    
British Columbia             0          0             1          6 (1)         4         22 (4)         4         35 (11)    
Manitoba                    12         79            10         68 (10)       12         70 (28)       13         81 (14)    
New Brunswick                0          0             0          8 (2)         0          0             0          0         
Newfoundland                 0          0             0          0             0          0             0          0         
North West Territories       0          0             0          0             0          0             1          0         
Nova Scotia                  1          5             3         11 (4)         4         14 (3)         3         14 (4)     
Nunavut                      0          0             0          0             0          0             0          0         
Ontario                     88       2430 (2)        96       2534 (214)     108       2623 (540)     101       2657 (355)   
Prince Edward Island        19        418            24        399 (43)       20        402 (104)      16        358 (56)    
Quebec                       5         18             5         17 (5)         7         20 (6)         6         14 (2)     
Saskatchewan                 0          0             0          0             0          0             0          0         
Yukon                        0          0             0          0             0          0             0          0         

TOTAL                      145       3195 (4)       156       3316 (375)     171       3382 (764)     161       3375 (485)   

US(CDN OWNED)                0        506 (3)         0        653 (28)        0        676 (87)        0        614 (36)    
US(US OWNED)               899      14603          1252      17005 (2)      1212      16403 (3)      1092      14730 (1)     
OTHERS                       0          0             2         28 (1)        11         83 (1)         2         21 (1)     

GRAND TOTAL               1044      18304 (7)      1410      21002 (406)    1394      20544 (855)    1255      18740 (523)   


Figures enclosed in brackets under mares refer to number of barren matings.
Barren matings are INCLUDED in all Mating figures.
US(CDN OWNED) - shows matings for Canadian owned Mares with US Stallions.
US(US OWNED)  - shows matings for US based Stallions and US owned Mares.
US Stallions only shown as one figure which represents the total number of stallions standing in the US.
US figures only indicate mating for Canadian mares with US Stallions.

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