- Disclaimer – Terms & Conditions
- Make Stake Payments - My Horses
- Make Stake Payments - My Stakes
- Shopping Cart
- Checkout
Disclaimer – Terms & Conditions
Payment amounts for stakes administered in Canada are listed and charged in Canadian funds (CAD) unless otherwise noted .
Stake payments are due on or before 12:00 midnight (Eastern Time) on the date listed, unless otherwise stated. After the noted due date & time, online payments will not be permitted. Currently, the stakes available to make payments for are listed below.
- Ontario Sires Stakes
- WEG stakes (Mohawk & Woodbine stakes)
- Standardbred Alliance Racetrack stakes (Ontario)
- Maritime stakes (administered by SC)
- Alberta stakes (administered by SC)
- BC Stakes (administered by SC)
- Lady Crocus (Manitoba)
- Prairie Lily (Saskatchewan)
- Quebec stakes (Lucien Bombardier & Prix d'ete)
There are numerous other stakes in Canada and the US but these fees must be paid directly to the applicable stake sponsor or racetracks.
Stake fees collected online by Standardbred Canada will be forwarded to the applicable stake sponsor, along with a list of horses paid.
Standardbred Canada shall not be liable for any loss or damage in the event that stake fees are not received by the stake sponsor prior to the applicable deadline. Persons using this staking service are solely responsible for ensuring that their horses meet the eligibility requirements of the proposed Staking Engagements. Standardbred Canada is not liable for any loss which may result if horses do not meet eligibility requirements. Under no circumstances will Standardbred Canada be liable to any user of this service for any amount in excess of the fees paid.
Respective racetracks and stakes sponsors/administrators provide all stake payment information. Revisions to stake dates and conditions do occur from time to time, contact the individual stake sponsors for changes and updates.
By accepting the terms and conditions outlined above, and by using the SC Online Stake Payment Program you agree to the following fees:
- Pay $20 online administration fee per calendar year for each yearling
- Pay $40 online administration fee per calendar year for each racehorse
- Pay the eShop fee listed for each stake payment (stake fee + administration fee)
- Pay 13% HST on taxable services
Any/all additional fees charged by your bank or credit card company is the sole responsibility of the card holder.
Standardbred Canada does not endorse any events other than those sponsored by Standardbred Canada. For inquiries related to the use of the online program, contact Amy Davis at (905) 858-3060 x 254 or [email protected].
Make Stake Payments - My Horses
Your horse(s) must be added to your horse inventory before stake payments can be made.
To add a horse, click on the “add horse” button and enter the name or freeze brand number of the horse. If there is more than one horse with the same or partial name, choose the correct horse and then click on “add to cart”.
Once you have added all your horses to your cart you can “view cart” to confirm your selections or proceed to “checkout” to pay the administration fee(s).
Once the administration fee for the applicable calendar year is paid for your horse(s) you can nominate or sustain to available stake events. The administration must be paid first before you can view stakes.
“My Horses” will list all the 'active' horses you have added to your inventory. You can choose to only view certain horses if you wish. For example, if you have sold a horse or a horse has died, click on the box in front of the horse’s name and click on the “make inactive” button to hide those horses from your inventory list. When searching for stake payments your “inactive” horses will not be included. Horses will not be deleted from your inventory in case you need to refer to their payment history at another time.
Click on “All Horses” to view your entire list of horses at any time.
When viewing the list of “All Horses”, you will notice that your “inactive” horses are shaded. You can make a horse that is “inactive” to be “active” again. Click on the box in front of the horse’s name and click on the “make active” button to show the horse in your “active” stake horses. The horse will now appear in your “Active” horse inventory.
Make Stake Payments - My Stakes
**Once the administration fee for the applicable calendar year is paid for your horse(s) you can nominate or sustain to available stake events. The administration must be paid first before you can view stakes. (see above for details)**
Click on a horse's name from your horse inventory to make stake payments or to view current stakes that the horse has been nominated or sustained to.
The current stakes the horse has been nominated or sustained to will be listed, including all stake payments that have been paid this year or are due this year.
To view additional stake nomination fees for your horse (i.e. yearling nomination fees and late closers for 2 or 3-year-olds) click on the green “find more stakes” button under the horse’s name. This will list all the available stakes that the horse can be nominated to in the current year.
If you wish to pay a fee listed, click on the “pay” box beside the fee listed.
Once all fees are selected, click on “add to cart” and the fees will be stored in your shopping cart to be paid when you check out.
When viewing stakes payments, at any time you can click on all available stakes at once. Check the box in the "pay" column and it will select all payments that are available.
If you wish to pay more than one payment for a particular stake (i.e. nomination & sustaining at the same time) you must first click on the first available payment and add it to your cart. Then, go back and add the second payment to your cart. Continue to do this if there are additional payments.
When you are finished making stake payments click on “proceed to cart” to check out.
If a fee shows “paid” it means that payment has been received and loaded into the database of the stake sponsor. If a payment shows “in progress” it means that the payment has been submitted (paid) but not yet received and entered into the database by the stake sponsor.
At any time you can click on “my horses” or “my stakes” to go back.
Once you have made all desired payments and clicked on “proceed to cart” you can review what payments will be charged to your credit card. The grand total (including administration fees and HST on taxable services) will appear at the bottom right side of the page.
If you wish to delete a payment from your shopping cart, click on the box in front of the payment to “remove” it. Once you have removed a payment, click on “update cart” and the revised list of payments show.
If you are paying for more than one sustaining payment for a certain event (i.e. March 15 S1 and April 15 S1) and you decide to remove the March 15 payment from your cart, the program will automatically delete both payments if the previous payment is required to make the next payment.
If you are content with the payments in your cart, click on “checkout” to proceed.
At any time you can click on “continue shopping” to add other items to you shopping cart before checking out. All items will remain in the shopping cart until the credit card transaction has taken place and payment is confirmed.
On this page, your shopping cart contents will once again show for you to confirm what you will be paying.
Please ensure your email address is correct under “customer information” so that your payment confirmation will be received. If you need to update your email address click on “edit” to do so.
Enter your personal information. Your information will be saved for future transactions. The next time you make a transaction, choose your personal information from "Saved Addresses" and you won't have to enter it again. The name on the payment card must match the name under personal information.
Enter your credit or debit (Interac™) card information. This information will not be saved for future transactions and will have to be added each time you make payments.
Once you have entered all information correctly, click on the “continue” button, this will process the payments.
If there is an error with the information provided you will be notified at the top of the page and asked to enter it again.
When the transaction is complete, you will receive a notice with a confirmation number. A copy of the transaction will also be emailed to you for your records.
Please note:
Any/all additional fees charged by the credit card company is the sole responsibility of the credit card holder.
Interac™ payments are only available for Canadian Residents (max $10,000).