Orgs. Must Have License By Jan. 1 December 20, 2011 Following a period of public consultation, the Ontario Racing Commission has announced that the new rule requiring the licensing of horsepeople’s organizations will come into effect January 1, 2012, a...
Wallacetown Fair To Race Under Lights September 23, 2011 Wallacetown Fair Director of Racing John Lilley has announced the conditions and classes for the fair's program of live racing, which is scheduled for Friday, September 30. Lilley has also explained t...
KHRC Okays ADWs June 08, 2011 It has been reported that on Wednesday, June 8, the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission gave its approval for the licensing of advance deposit wagering companies
KY To License Wagering Companies Soon? February 16, 2011 It has been reported that Kentucky's House Licensing and Occupations Committee unanimously approved a bill today which will allow account wagering companies to