Stakes Guide

Online Stakes Guide

The conditions presented in the guide are for the information of those in the industry. Standardbred Canada does not endorse any events other than those sponsored by Standardbred Canada. Should any concerns with conditions arise please contact the stake sponsor/administrator or the appropriate provincial racing commission.

All payments are printed in Canadian funds unless otherwise noted in the fee notes. Stake payments are made payable to the administrators of each stake, unless otherwise stated, or offered through the SC Stakes Online system.

Respective racetracks and stakes sponsors/administrators provide the stake information contained in this guide. This guide is for reference only. Revisions to stake dates and conditions do occur from time to time and it is strongly recommended that participants confirm conditions with the stake sponsors/administrators and that tracks race under the conditions as so approved by the respective racing commission or regulatory body. Updates are sometimes published in trade magazines or industry web sites. ***All stakes listed are subject to change***

Use one of the following to search criteria to find your desired stakes. For changes to the stakes listed in this guide, contact Emelia Gillespie at (905) 858-3060 or [email protected]

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Joe O'Brien Memorial

Sponsor: The Province of Prince Edward Island and the PEI Harness Racing Industry Association (PEIHRIA)

  ELIGIBILITY: Two- and three-year old pacing colts whose certificate of registration indicates place of foaling to be Prince Edward Island and whose dam was owned at the time of foaling by a resident of Prince Edward Island

OR Two- and three-year old colts whose certificate of registration indicates place of foaling to be Prince Edward Island and whose dam resided on PEI for at least 183 days in the foaling year (residency requirement to be verified by signed affidavit submitted to PEIHRIA preferably before December 1st of the foaling year).

RESIDENT: A resident of PEI is a person whose primary residence is on PEI or one who operates a farm resident to standardbred broodmares, such a residency verifiable by such tangible evidence AS Property Tax payment, employees, mares on the site, etc.


Province: PE
Raced at: Charlottetown & Summerside Raceway
2 YO Pacing Colts

August 24, 2025 #1 at SRW
October 4, 2025 #2 at CPD


3 YO Pacing Colts

August 16, 2025 #1 at CPD
October 5, 2025 #2 SRW

Payment Schedule:
Three-Year-Old Payments:

Nomination fee: May 15, 203 $75
Late Nomination: March 15, 2024 $600 (if yearling nomination missed, includes 2yo sustaining fee)
2yo Sustaining Fee: March 15, 2024 $200
3yo Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2025 $200
3yo late sustaining fee: February 28, 2025 $600

Two-Year-Old Payments:

Nomination fee: May 15, 2024 $75
Late Nomination: March 15, 2025 $800 (if yearling nomination missed, includes 2yo sustaining fee)
2yo Sustaining Fee: March 15, 2025 $200
2yo late sustaining fee: March 31, 2025 $600
3yo Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2026 $200
3yo late sustaining fee: February 28, 2026 $600

Yearling Payments:

Nomination fee: May 15, 2025 $75
Late nomination fee: August 31, 2025 $150
Late Nomination: March 15, 2026 $800 (if yearling nomination missed, includes 2yo sustaining fee)
2yo Sustaining Fee: March 15, 2026 $200
2yo late sustaining fee: March 31, 2026 $600
3yo Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2027 $200
3yo late sustaining fee: February 28, 2027 $600

Starting Fee:

$300 for Gold events
$150 for Grassroots events

Fee Notes:

Payments can be made through SC Stakes Online by clicking here.

Payments can also be made directly to Standardbred Canada by mail.


AUTHORITY: Rules of the Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission (APHRC) and Standardbred Canada (SC) apply.

TO BE RACED AT: Prince Edward Island pari-mutual tracks after August 15th of the 2 and 3-year-old year.

FORMAT: Two legs for each of 2-year-old and 3-year-old pacing colts. Charlottetown Driving Park and Summerside Raceway will each host one leg of each division.

BREEDERS AWARD: Breeders’ awards, as determined by the sponsor, shall be paid to two- and three-year old colts whose certificate of registration indicates place of foaling to be Prince Edward Island and whose dam resided on PEI for at least 183 days of the foaling year. (Residency requirement to be verified by signed affidavit submitted to PEIHRIA preferably before December 1st of the foaling year). These awards shall be paid by the PEI Harness Racing Industry Association subject to funding made available from Government programs in support of the Island breeding industry.

QUALIFICATION: All declared entries must have met and continue to meet qualifying standards as set forth by the Atlantic Standardbred Breeders Association or as amended by the participating racetrack with the approval of the PEI Harness Racing Industry Association.

FUNDING: $220,000 Added ($110,000 at both 2 and 3). Host tracks add $2,000 per Gold division and $1,500 per Grassroots division.

CONDITION CHANGES: Host track contributions will increase to $2,000 per Gold division and $1,500 per Grassroot division for the 2025 racing season onward.

1.APHRC assumes no liability for purses, injury, damages, or loss to participants in this event.
2. For this program, PEI foaled shall be defined as: A foal whose place of birth on the applicable Standardbred Canada/USTA registration certificate is indicated to be Prince Edward Island.
3. Each event is to be contested at one mile (1609 m).
4. Purse distribution for five or more finishers is 45%,25%, 15%, 10% and 5%; four finishers is 50%, 25%, 15% and 10%; three finishers 50%, 30% and 20%; two finishers 60% and 40%, and one finisher is 100%.
5. All nominating, sustaining, and starting fees shall be added to the purses with no deduction for clerical or managerial work, advertising, or publicity.
6. Events will be raced in Gold and Grassroots formats. If, at the time of declaration, the entry has earned less than $10,000 lifetime for 2-year-olds and less than $20,000 lifetime for 3-year-olds the entry may, at the owners’ discretion, compete in a Grassroots division. All other entries will compete in a Gold division.
7. If more horses declare to start than are permitted in one dash on the track where the race is to take place, the event shall be split into divisions with entries determined by Standardbred Canada electronic draw. No division shall consist of more than eight entries. If two or more divisions are required, the host track shall add the regular portion to each division.

8. Any entry changing gait after the sustaining fee(s) have been made will be transferred to the new gait adopted, providing such request is in writing. The starting fees for the said entry shall be applied to the new gait.
9. The PEI Harness Racing Industry Association, within its sole discretion, may from time to time amend the terms, conditions, and/or to the purse structure of the Joe O’Brien Memorial Stake of any kind whatsoever, including added money, as well as nomination and sustaining payments and starting fees with the approval of the APHRC and proper notice given to the industry, and the nominator agrees to be bound by such changes.
10. Should conditions beyond the control of the PEIHRIA prevent the racing of any event, the PEIHRIA reserves the right to declare off any event and redistribute the money to those horses currently eligible, or to transfer the event to another date, or to another track, or to do both.
11. If an explicit interpretation of these conditions might not be acceptable to all parties, the PEIHRIA Board of Directors reserves the right to interpret these conditions in an implicit manner in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization as may be established and amended from time to time with the approval of the APHRC and proper notice given to the industry.
12. Standardbred Canada and the PEIHRIA assume no responsibility for nominations or payments made by mail which are not received. Sending payments by Registered Mail is recommended. All payments must be post-marked no later than the said due date.


Prince Edward Island Harness Racing Industry Association – Julie Jamieson, Executive Director, 420
University Avenue, Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7Z5. Tel: 902 569 1682 Website: E-mail:
[email protected]


Standardbred Canada Stakes Department - 1-2150 Meadowvale Boulevard, Mississauga, ON, L5N 6R6 Tel: (905) 858-3060-254 Fax (905) 858-8047, e-mail: [email protected]     website: