Brian Andrew Memorial

Sponsor: PEIHRIA

a) For foals of 2023 to race as two-year-old trotters in 2025, that were sold at the 2024 Atlantic Classic Yearling Sale, and who have made a nomination payment of $200 by March 15, 2025.


b) For foals of 2023 to race as two-year-old trotters in 2025, that were foaled on Prince Edward Island, and who have made a nomination payment of $450 by March 15, 2025.


c) For foals of 2024 to race as two-year-old trotters in 2026, that were foaled on Prince Edward Island and the mare resided on PEI for 183 days during the foaling year (Residency requirement to be verified by signed affidavit submitted to PEIHRIA before December 1st of the foaling year), and who have made a nomination payment of $75 by May 15th, 2025 or a late nomination payment of $150 by August 31st, 2025.

Divisions: May be split by sex and raced in divisions if sufficient numbers exist. For this stake that number will be a minimum of three colts and three fillies to create two divisions of the age group.


$20,000 Added.

Province: PE
Raced at: To be raced at Charlottetown Driving Park with the approval of sponsors and the APHRC.
Payment Schedule:
Two-Year-Old Payments:

Nomination fee:

$200 due March 15, 2025 for those 2023 foals sold through the 2024 Atlantic Classic Sale.


$450 due March 15, 2025 for 2023 foals that were foaled in Prince Edward Island.

Yearling Payments:

New for 2025:

Payment Schedule 2025:

Island Foaled- Foals of 2024 (Yearling Payments):

Nomination Fee: $75 May 15th, 2025

Late Nomination Fee: August 31st, 2025, $150 (if May payment missed).

Starting Fee:

Starting Fee: $200 due no later than one hour prior to post time of the event at the host track. 
Host Track Contribution: $2,000.00 per division.

Fee Notes:

Payments can be made through SC Stakes Online by clicking here.

Payments can also be made directly to Standardbred Canada by mail.


Breeders Award: Breeders’ awards, as determined by the sponsor, shall be paid to two-year old trotters whose certificate of registration indicates place of foaling to be Prince Edward Island and whose dam resided on PEI for at least 183 days of the foaling year. (Residency requirement to be verified by signed affidavit submitted to PEIHRIA preferably before December 1st of the foaling year). These awards shall be paid by the PEI Harness Racing Industry Association subject to funding made available from Government programs in support of the Island breeding industry.

Condition Changes: Host track contributions will increase to $2,000 per division. Foals of 2024 that were foaled on Prince Edward Island and the mare resided on Prince Edward Island for 183 during the foaling year (Residency requirement to be verified by signed affidavit submitted to PEIHRIA before December 1st of the foaling year) will now have a yearling nomination due on May 15th, 2025, of $75 and a sustaining payment due on March 15th, 2026, of $250. Foals of 2024 that were not foaled on Prince Edward Island but sold at the 2025 Atlantic Classic Sale will have a sustaining payment of $500 due on March 15th, 2026. See payment schedule below for details.

General Conditions:
1. APHRC assumes no liability for purses, injury, damages, or loss to participants in this event.
2. The PEIHRIA reserves the right to cancel any or all races for whatever reason. If an event is not raced the Association’s liability will be limited to a refund of nomination and starting fees only without interest. Nominating fees will be refunded pro rata only among those entering the cancelled race.
3. The PEIHRIA, within its sole discretion, may from time to time make amendments to the terms and conditions of the Brian Andrew Memorial Stake of any kind whatsoever, including added money, as well as nomination and sustaining payments and starting fees with the approval of the APHRC and proper notice given to the industry, and the person nominating and/or sustaining agrees to be bound by such changes.
4. Nomination must be made to become eligible for the event. All nominating and starting fees paid in shall be added to the purse with no deduction for administration.
5. A starting fee of $200 is payable for the event and is due no later than one hour prior to the post time of the event entered at the host track.
6. All horses must qualify to race based on time and performance standards established for the Atlantic Sires Stakes or as amended by the participating racetrack with the approval of the PEIHRIA and the APHRC.
7. Declaration shall be at a date and time as established by the race office of the host track.
8. Horses declared in any event shall be divided according to APHRC rules where there are nine or more declarations to start, and no division shall consist of more than eight starters.
9. The purse shall consist of all nomination and starting fees received for the event, plus a contribution from the host track, plus any sponsorship money added. All divisions of any event shall carry the same purse based on total purse divided by the number of divisions.
10. Purses shall be distributed to the first five finishers in any event or division thereof based on 45%, 25%, 15%, 10%, and 5% for the first through fifth finisher. If four finishers 50%, 25%, 15%, 10%. If three finishers 50%, 30%, 20%. If two finishers 60%, 40%. If one finisher 100%.
11. The contribution from the host track shall be $2,000 per division.
12. a) A minimum of five horses must be nominated to the event before it will be held. If less than five entries are nominated to the event, the event will be cancelled, and nomination fees returned.
b) A minimum of five horses must be declared into the event before it will be staged. If less than five horses declare into the event, the event will be cancelled, and nomination and starting fees received will be refunded as per Condition # 2.
c) To be eligible to declare to start in the event, a horse must meet the qualification requirements of Condition # 6 above and have made the necessary payments as required above.
13. Unless as otherwise specified above, the Brian Andrew Memorial Stake shall be contested under the rules of Standardbred Canada and the Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission.
14. Nomination fees are to be paid to Standardbred Canada. Starting fees are payable to the host track.
15. In the event that an explicit interpretation of these conditions might not be acceptable to all parties, the PEIHRIA Board of Directors reserves the right to interpret these conditions in an implicit manner in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization as may be established and emended from time to time with the approval of the APHRC and proper notice given to the industry.
16. Standardbred Canada and the PEIHRIA assume no responsibility for nominations or payments made by mail which are not received. Sending payments by Registered Mail is recommended. All payments must be post marked no later than the said due date.


Prince Edward Island Harness Racing Industry Association – Julie Jamieson, Executive Director, 420
University Avenue, Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7Z5. Tel: 902 569 1682 Website: E-mail:
[email protected]


Standardbred Canada Stakes Department - 1-2150 Meadowvale Boulevard, Mississauga, ON, L5N 6R6 Tel: (905) 858-3060 -254, Fax (905) 858-8047, e-mail:[email protected] , website: