Flemings To Be At Clinton Sunday

After crossing Canada in April and May of 2014, Will and Claire Fleming’s ‘Bike 7650’ will end its fundraising goal as a part of Clinton Raceway’s Family Day event on Sunday, August 10 from 1:30 – 4 p.m.

The brother and sister duo from Londesboro, Ont. are longtime harness racing participants. They set out from Vancouver, B.C. on Sunday, April 13, 2014 and made a 45-day trek across Canada, covering 7,650 kilometres in a variety of weather all in the name of Canadian Tire’s ‘Jumpstart Program.’

The goal was to raise one dollar for every kilometre biked. The duo never imagined that they would end up raising in excess of $38,000.

This Sunday’s event coincides with Clinton Raceway’s Family and Fan Appreciation Day. There will be plenty of activities during the live race card. Will and Claire will be on site for a meet and greet and to say ‘thank you’ to all of those that have contributed to their success.

A Jumpstart representative will say a few words of thanks, and local Canadian Tire owners will be on hand to show their appreciation as well. Piller’s will be giving out free hot dogs, along with face painting, a bouncy castle, mascot race and more.

Part of the day will include a Loonie Raffle for both a girls and boys bike. Tickets are just $1 each and all monies raised will be added to Bike 7650’s fundraising efforts.

Post time for the day’s live race card is 1:30 p.m. with events wrapping up at 4 p.m.


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