Fan Club Memorabilia Story Contest

Are you a horse racing memorabilia junkie? Do you keep photos of all of your favourite horses? Do you have a ticket from Cam Fella’s last race, a halter or set of horseshoes from your best horse, a print of Somebeachsomewhere, a program autographed by Herve Filion or John Campbell, a photo of yourself and your favourite driver?

Well, if you are a person that keeps and collects racing memorabilia, we want to hear from you! In 250 words or less, describe the horse racing memorabilia item that means the most to you. If you have a photo of the item, or can take a photo, send that along, too. We want to hear about the personal connection you have with the item, any anecdotes or unique info or historical significance that the item holds.

Maybe you have a room dedicated to your prized horse racing possessions? Tell us about it and send us a photo.

The winner of the memorabilia contest will receive a $50 gift card to the racetrack of their choice plus a $50 Fan Club swag bag.

We’ll announce the winner and share some of the best items and the stories behind them in early August.

Send your entries to [email protected].

Deadline for submissions is July 30, 2014.

Images of some harness racing memorabilia appear below.




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