Submit Your Mare & Foal Photos


The I Love Canadian Harness Racing Fan Club wants your photos!

May’s Zoom Challenge theme is Mares and Foals! What better time than spring to take photos of mares and foals frolicking in the fields. Get out there and get snappin’ for your chance to win some great prizes!

If you live close to High Stakes Farm or Oak Knoll Stables, you have the perfect opportunity this Sunday between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. at the Mother’s Day Open House!

Deadline for submissions is May 15. Send your photos to [email protected]

Monthly winners will receive a great Fan Club Swag Prize package ($50 value) and the six monthly winners will be eligible to win a Grand Prize, which will include a $50 gift card to the racetrack of their choice and an enlargement of their winning photo framed or plaque mounted!

Contest Guidelines:

  • Open to fan club members only, not a member? Join HERE for free! (IMPORTANT: photo submissions entered by non fan club members will NOT be considered for the contest)

  • Only amateur photographers may enter this contest.

  • Photos should be taken during the contest period.

  • Photos must be a minimum 72 dpi, however 150 dpi is preferred.

  • Photos may not appear to be digitally altered.

  • Upon submission, you are releasing your photographs to Standardbred Canada and we reserve the right to publish them on our website, Facebook page, Pinterest Page & in print if we so choose (due credit will be given)

  • Contests will open on the 15th of the month, and end exactly one month later

  • Please include your name in the filename of your photo

  • When you submit your photo, please include your name, address, and details about the subject matter that you photographed, (any names, location) as well as the date that the photo was taken.

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