Mark Border Wins 'Survivor' Challenge

The competition was tough with over 100 Fan Club members taking part in last weekend’s 'Survivor' handicapping challenge, but Mark Border of Owen Sound, Ont. was the winner and takes home a $50 Fan Club swag package and a $25 betting card for Woodbine Racetrack.

Border was one of two players who cruised through round one, correctly selecting horses that finished on the board in race one at each of Flamboro Downs, The Raceway at Western Fair District and Woodbine Racetrack on March 29. However, neither player could get past race three at Flamboro in round two where players had to select the first or second place horse. Since Border selected more winners in round one, he was declared the winner.

The second round consisted of choosing a horse in race three at each of Flamboro, Western Fair and Woodbine who would finish first or second – if you selected correctly for Flamboro you would advance to Western Fair, and then again to Woodbine if you were correct with Western Fair. Finally, the third round was to choose the winners in race five at Flamboro, Western Fair, Woodbine and Fraser Downs.

Out of more than 100 competitors, none were able to advance to round three.

Stay tuned for further Fan Club handicapping challenges.

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