Duncan Adds Government Services

On Friday Premier Dalton McGuinty announced his recommendation that Finance Minister Dwight Duncan also add the role of Minister of Government Services, the ministry that holds the Ontario Racing Commission.

With the news that current Minister of Government Services Harinder Takhar is stepping down to run for the Liberal leadership, McGuinty named Duncan to that portfolio. In July, the Ontario Racing Commission moved to The Ministry of Government Services from the Ministry of Finance.

In the release, McGuinty thanked Duncan "for taking on these additional responsibilities and for everything he’s doing to ensure we stay focused on delivering progress for Ontario families."

The change would take effect once Minister Duncan is sworn in to his new portfolio.


What "Ontario families" are they delivering progress to? Not ours or the many thousands of other farming, agricultural, rural and horse racing families. The spinoff effect will affect urban families as well before long. Just how is that progress, Mr. McGuinty?

I will never understand our governments way of conducting business. Didn't the two aforementioned just quit?

We presume he knows that CPMA and ORC regulate all aspects of live horse racing in Ontario. 10-12 years ago when the SARP contracts were signed, the ORC should have insisted that funding include contingency takeouts in the event that some raceway operators would not meet the advertsing and promotionalfunding necessary to sustain and grow the betting handles from their share of the net profits. Likewise the horse owner groups also failed to set aside a small percentage to promote their sport as do most 'professional' sporting entities. We are all in this together now, but ORC and CPMA are clearly at fault as well.

J. Doug Paton, RDMR(F) Hamilton
Lic #M70625

It still amazes me how this government can continue to carry on business without the oversight of the opposition. How can this possibly be constitutional? Are the democratic rights of every citizen in this province not being violated?

It will be interesting how much slash and burning he will demand at ORC

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