Prepare To Race, Do Business With SC

Standardbred Canada (SC) would like to remind members that Racing Services Representatives (formerly Field Reps) will no longer be on-site at most racetracks.
Racing Services
Standardbred Canada (SC) would like to notify members that Racing Services Representatives (formerly Field Reps) will no longer be on-site at most racetracks. Racing Services Reps will work remotely and from SC’s head office. (currently head office is closed but reps have access to voicemail and email)
Members need to plan to conduct business prior to racing — online via eShop, or by email, phone or fax.
Liz Marchant is the Lead Liaison for members at head office. SC will have a Central Lead Racing Services Representative available from 4:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (ET) during evening race cards and from 11:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (ET) during afternoon race cards. The Central Lead may be reached at (905) 858-3060 ext. 876.
For IMMEDIATE service, and NO WAIT TIME, you can do most of your 'horse-related' business with Standardbred Canada on SC’s eShop. If you have an SC online account and are logged in, you are ready to do business! You can make ownership transfers, pay your horse eligibility fees, pay membership fees and conduct most of your horse related business with Standardbred Canada online via eShop!
All horse transfers, claiming authorizations and new membership applications completed through eShop outside of SC office hours will be processed on the next business day.
If you don’t have an SC online account, you can register here to set one up. It takes only three minutes to set up your account!
Payment for transactions done on eShop must be made with a credit card (only VISA and MASTERCARD will be accepted). VISA-DEBIT or PREPAID are NOT accepted.
Member Forms
If you wish to download and print a specific form to scan and email, mail in or fax, click here.
Member Services staff are available from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (ET) from Monday to Friday to assist you. If you are doing business via normal mail, you can make payment with a cheque or credit card information completed on the form.
For a directory of SC staff and their phone numbers and email addresses, click here.