McMeekin: Panel Needs More Time

Published: October 1, 2012 08:18 am EDT

A message penned by Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ted McMeekin states that the OMAFRA Panel has asked him for more time to complete its task of transitioning the horse racing industry from the Slots-At-Racetracks partnership.

While the Panel was scheduled to present its final report by the end of September, McMeekin's message notes that the Panel asked for an extension "in order to deliver a comprehensive final report with thoughtful recommendations to the government."

The report is now slated for completion by mid-October.

The message from McMeekin appears below.

Message from Minister McMeekin

September 27, 2012

The horse racing industry transition panel has asked me, on behalf of itself and the industry, for additional time to complete its work. The panel members have told me that they are encouraged by the industry's willingness to work together on a successful transition to a more self-sustainable business model.

The panel wrote:

We have been engaged with the industry and believe we have made substantive progress on delivering on our mandate. In fact several representatives of the industry have given us written proposals on a way forward. We recognize that the horse racing industry is at a crossroad and has challenging decisions to make as it considers its future opportunities.

In order to deliver a comprehensive final report with thoughtful recommendations to the government, we need additional time. On behalf of the panel and the industry we request up to another two weeks to explore details of how such a model would work. We are optimistic that there is the potential to develop a framework that could work for both the industry and government.

I have agreed to the panel's request and look forward to receiving its final report, in mid-October.

The Honourable Ted McMeekin
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs



With the progress that the OLG has made in Ottawa to sell their "modernization" plans to the mayor and his council, the meeting tonight in Toronto and the upcoming meeting in Hanover, it would seem that "business as usual" is going on with Paul Godfrey's team. They appear to be oblivious to the fact that this panel is even in existence. Apparently, they continue on their mission to destroy horse racing while we wait for what? This panel to save us? Don't hold your breath. Is the fact that we haven't heard a thing from our leaders at OHRIA for weeks due to them waiting "patiently" for this panel to come out with their report? Want to bet they and the rest of us in the industry will be getting nothing but another slap in the face? What a disgusting way to treat an industry that has put many billions of dollars into the economy over the past dozen years plus and employed many thousands of people, predominantly in the agricultural and rural areas of the province. We can only hope that an election is held next spring and we can rid ourselves of these self-serving monsters. Sadly, it will be too late for the horses and the people who have worked so hard for so many years.

Kathy McBride is correct. When the truth comes out about the arrogant decisions made by this Liberal admisistration not one of these people will get elected. Bring on an election and see what happens. It will be the province of Quebec all over again, both federally and provincially. They kept McGinty because no one wanted his mess. Bruce T. Winning... Just thinking out loud.

well we've heard more from McMeekin (his above letter dated September 27th) then we've heard from any group lobbying for the survival of horse racing in Ontario in recent weeks. hey OHRIA, how about an update on your progress, there's about 60,000 Ontarian's who'd love to know on how your lobbying to save the industry is going.........

We saw this announcement just before we went to video the two yearlings we didn't withdraw from the sales. Wondered if it was worth it. The video team told us that in a normal year, they do close to 350 videos, today they just made it 200. That is a lot of money lost for everyone concerned.

As has been pointed out, mid October is too late for a lot of horsemen and a lot of horses.

BTW did anyone else notice that the 650,000,000 and climbing cost of the power plant cancellation is almost twice the amount of the annual "subsidy" to horsemen?

The Liberal govt. is the poster child for the term "A failure to plan is a plan for failure".

The damage has already been done, there is no way the three wise men will help us!

Nice try Ted, it was the government that put the industry at a crossroad. A fair and thoughtful/capable government would have considered the ramifications and solutions BEFORE ending a jointly beneficial arrangement. Wouldn't any "future opportunities" just be considered subsidies? Might I also recommend the government become more accountable/transparent and self sustaining by weaning itself off the expanded gambling teat? Thanks for the non update though.

Its funny thing that the ORC has not got the word to there bosses,that the life of horseman is ruined in Ontario So how many people will be laid off by the ORC.

Existing racetrack locations should be the hands down, logical location for expanded gaming within the province in the form of a Racino concept. That way all rural investments, service businesses, agriculture and the countless thousands upon thousands of jobs would be preserved.

A good consultant team or company success is rated on the length of time they can milk the person's(company) they hired them. Also it must be in the back of everyones mind this Liberal Government has lost alot of support over the last few months in different sectors and know they probably could not win another election. They start with a mandate that has several parts.A preliminary report comes which says little ,then ask for time to do a further report, then an extention is needed,then a report will come out which will be only Phase 1 of which of course is only the first part of 6 with that to follow. Then more time will be needed to do the other 5 Phases. But a so called carrot will be given which will be more discussions will happen beween the Gov't and Industry on Phase 1 which accomplish very little.
Now remember who appointed this Committee, the same people who are sitting behind the wheel and steering the time lines. One of the secret mandates will be accomplished that all sales will be done including Harrisburg. During this time the OLG and KING Godfrey will continue to be doing their own horse and pony show, telling all the cities the benefits of casinos and bingo halls in the areas they want them and exactly where they should be place. This helps buy Godfrey and his friends(including the Gov't) time to know exactly what their next pressure move will be to bring the casino that are foreigned owned and takes the Ontario's money out of the country tax free. This of course is more important then the profitable SAR and 60000 jobs that will be lost as there is no benifit to the "Old Boys Club".
Now we must remember the transition committee is still hard at work being paid to continue to get to the never ending story of what will happen to Ontario's Horse Racing Industry. They will be saying more discussions are needed with the industry to get to Phase 2 and 3. By this time it will be Christmas and Holiday time and still no "Plan" but the Government and OLG will have this time to try and brainwash the public on all the jobs and money casinos will generate.
As we all see where this story is going it will be March 2013 and the questions will still not be answered. Theres a good chance election talks may be happening(as earlier stated support falling) and at this time all work will be stopped as we will be told until an election happens everything is on hold except for the ending of SAR.
By this time the committee put in place by the Gov't will have made plenty of money and delayed any possible progress in a solution to the problem, and this delay of course was part of the "original" mandate!

There needs to be a downright demand from the breeders for a deadline of Oct 10th for this report to be released,not the 15th,a day after the Forest City Sale ends. Who is going to pay $15-20,000 for a yearling, that the next day may be worth nothing ?

Sounds like just another delay tactic likely initiated by the Liberals.

It's just over one month ago that Lisa MacLeod's private members motion was passed. "The motion calls for the Auditor General to review the OLG's new gaming plans, including its revenue and expenditure projections, mental health and addictions impact and its effect on Ontario’s horse racing industry. The motion also calls for a referendum to take place in any affected municipality where the OLG is proposing a new casino in order for the community to determine whether it is welcome or not."

I think its time for everyone in the industry (or those who support the industry) to email the Auditor General's Office ( [email protected] ) and request a confirmation that a full review and investigation is underway.
You'll likely just get their standard response - but if they're bombarded with emails, they will hopefully get the point.

An announcement by the Auditor General's Office may just get the attention of the Liberals (and OLG)

Another two weeks, are you kidding me . They have had more then enough time to figure this out . Just tell the government that they made a BAD decision & it needs to be put back the way it was & then let's starting negotiating. This is what should of been done in the beginning. You don't destroy an industry & then start talking. What they have done is slowly but surely bankruting our industry. By the way how long does it take for us to here anything from the Auditor General? Is he a Liberal to ? Does anybody know? This waiting game has to stop. We would all like to get on with our lives, One way or another.I don't think that the breeders can wait any longer. I would like to see Mcguinty & Duncan wait a year for their paycheque, then cut it in half and tell them that this is what Ontario tax payers want.Suck it up.

"Optimistic that there is the potential to develop a framework that could work for both the industry and government", really? I'm certain that the existing framework that is in place with the SAR program works perfectly well! This is an absolute farce. McGinty, Duncan, and Godfrey should move to Las Vegas and they can enjoy all of the casino action they can handle.

I agree with Karry Howard. If there is any good news, why don't they release it before the London sales? If there is bad news, by asking for more time , they leave everyone in limbo before the sales.

They will deliver their report right after the Forest City Yealing Sale. If I was selling I would be outraged. I am sure the prices will be lower like the Canadian Yearling Sale as a result. We already saw the Fall Extravaganza cancelled as well.

The report will probably be no more than a framework of discussion points that they will have to deliberate one at a time for the next year. It isn't right but it has become the job of government to get relected and the job of committees to stay employed as consultants as long as they can milk it.

I think a lawsuit is the way to go and while we are at it criminal charges for insider trading. Clearly there are discussions being held behind closed doors with Casinos and Bingo interests as if no approvals were really needed by anyone except Godfrey.

Georg Leber-ICR Racing

What choice do we have but to wait?? It apparently isn't our decision to make. Despite the rocky roller coaster ride over the course of the last 8 months or so, I too am trying to maintain my optimism (it's getting harder to do though). Hopefully the panel has our best interest in mind. **fingers tightly crossed** We already know where the Liberals have their minds (and their hands).

What the fly on the wall heard at the initial meeting of the Transition Panel:

"First we'll present an interim report and ruin the Canadian Yearling Sale. Then we'll say nothing and scare the crap out of the industry so noone will enter the Fall Extravaganza. Finally, we'll ask for a two week extension so we can screw the Forest City Yearling Sale as well. By the way, are we paid by cheque or direct deposit?"

Hard for this government to say we made a mistake. They can't even admit they made a mistake in the choice of their leader since they confirmed McGunty this weekend. Remember all this when the next election comes up, most likely in the next 6 months.

Well, here we go - do we wait or head to court now. Let the people of TO know what's happening. Let's not wait.

If the Ag Minister is sympathic to the cause, does it really matter. He appears to have zero clought against Godfrey, McGinty, Duncan and the rest
of the schemers.

WOW big surprise! As I and others predicted, this panel will keep themselves employed and string the industry along keeping everybody quiet right to March. I am so sick and tired of the Liberal's corruption. They are becoming more transparent every day.

"We are optimistic that there is the potential to develop a framework that could work for both the industry and government." Sounds auspicious...maybe there is hope. Hang in there everyone.

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