You Can't Shake Ron Pierce

Published: January 19, 2015 02:54 pm EST

Driver Ron Pierce clearly has talented hands, with a Hall of Fame driving career and more than $200 million in purses. Pierce showed just how well he can manage a horse that's less than cooperative on Saturday night at The Meadowlands.

Pierce was scoring down Mainland Key N before Saturday's seventh race when he was abruptly dumped from the racebike. Pierce kept a firm hold of the lines as the horse headed towards the paddock.

Despite being dragged on his side by the horse, Pierce was able to eventually get to his feet and bring the horse to a stop.

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"I was going around an extra lap to pick up some garbage out on the racetrack," Pierce told 'Hollywood' Bob Heyden after the incident. "When I got by the gate here, the horse wheeled me to the paddock and got his ass up on the shafts and tried to tip me out. He was dead set on going back to the paddock. I still had a hold of the lines so he just dragged me for a ways.

"I had a good grip on the lines, I wasn't going to let go of him. "You don't let go of them unless you absolutely have to. It's very important to hang onto that horse."

The racing gods were not kind to Pierce late last week. Friday's engagements were cut short as Pierce came down ill and was forced to book off a number of drives.

"Last night, I had food poisoning, and now this," said Pierce with a smile. "I'm just lucky to be here, Bob."

Mainland Key N did race, finishing ninth. Pierce continued with his Saturday commitments, eventually picking up a win with Ewald Hanover in Race 12.



Do not like this driver but have to admit that was an awesome care for the horse and also,his numerous records speak for themselves.

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