True Friends: Waco Hanover & Caretaker

“I just talked to him one day for about a half an hour, and got him to accept the fact that I ain’t goin’ anywhere, I’m your buddy. It’s been going on now for eight years.”
A special bond between horse and man is what helps keep a 40-year-old Standardbred, Waco Hanover, and his loyal caretaker, Donnie MacAdams, both kickin'.
The long-retired racehorse was profiled by CBS Sunday Morning Show, which aired on Sunday, Jan. 8. CBS Correspondent Tony Dokoupil visited the Tar Heel-Wanda Hanover gelding, owned by Everett Kettler, in December at his home in Randolph Center, Vermont, where he has developed a bond with MacAdams.
It is that friendship that has contributed to Waco Hanover's longevity.
To read more about Waco Hanover, click here.