Ancient Horse Bits Unearthed In Dig

It has been announced that in 2013, archaeologists unearthed a trove of horse bit dating back roughly 1,300 years. And it wasn’t just a few bits here and there – try about 70.

According to an article by, the publication ‘Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya,’ which covers archaeological findings in the vicinity of Russia’s Volga River in Russia, has published a detailed account of a dig in the area that unearthed 60-70 of the ancient bits.

The bits were found in a 130-metre by 130-metre area known as Tsimlyansk Square, where a total of 170 items were found. Items that have been recovered from the area include arrowheads, which have been dated to the late 700s to early 800s AD.

An image of some of the ancient bits that were found appear below.

To see more of the bits, click here.

(With files from

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