Commission Facing Serious Shortfall

It has been reported that a horse racing commission is facing a serious budget crunch, as a track closure has significantly affected the commission’s viability.

A brief article by The Daily Progress explains that the closure of Les Bois Park this past March has put the Idaho Horse Racing Commission in a bit of a perilous position.

Under state law, Les Bois Park had funnelled a good deal of capital through the commission in order to help fund it over the years. The track had been the biggest in the state, and there is a serious deficit now that the track is gone.

The article states that the commission received $422,800 in revenue in fiscal 2016, but that there is quite the shortfall for fiscal 2017.

The commission is projected to get roughly $80,000 for the fiscal 2017 budget – a difference of $342,800.

(With files from The Daily Progress)

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