Inter Conference Wraps Up

Standardbred Canada hosted the International Trotting Association Inter Conference meeting this weekend in Mississauga, Ont. in advance of the 2017 World Trotting Conference and World Driving Championship.
Racing executives from around the globe met to discuss the International Trotting Association’s constitution and regulations along with plans for the World Trotting Conference and World Driving Championship, which will take place next August in Prince Edward Island.
"The Inter Conference ended Saturday night and the international delegates provided Standardbred Canada with a strong foundation to build on as we plan the World Trotting Conference in August 2017," said Dan Gall, President and CEO of Standardbred Canada.
Among those in attendance were Harness Racing Australia CEO Andrew Kelly, France’s Cheval Francais Racing Manager Guillaume Maupas, France’s Union Europeenne Du Trot Executive Secretary Isabelle Gizardin, Harness Racing New Zealand Chief Executive Edward Rennell, United States Trotting Association Executive VP and COO Mike Tanner, United States Trotting Association Director of Registry and Member Services T.C. Lane, and Johan Lindberg, representing Nordic countries.
The harness racing leaders also discussed a variety of other industry topics, sharing best practices and international updates.
"We heard some innovative ideas from the delegates including how France manages supply and demand in their horse industry and we heard some creative marketing ideas from Australia and Sweden including a celebrity challenge TV series called 'Racing with the Stars,' as famous Swedes learn how to harness race," said Gall.
"All in a all a very good two days of exchanging ideas and hearing global updates regarding marketing and business development, breeding, equine health and welfare, and wagering."
For more information on the World Trotting Conference and World Driving Championship, click here.