McElroy Joins James On Track Talk

Injured driver Don McElroy is the guest of Pete James on CJBK's Track Talk, on Friday, June 5
, 2009, at 7:20 a.m. and 5:50 p.m.
The show can be heard online at In the London region, CJBK is at 1290 on the AM dial.
In a racing accident last Sunday at Clinton Raceway, the 52-year-old driver was dumped from the bike onto his left hand and wrist. He broke some of the same bones that were shattered in a 2005 racing accident at Grand River Raceway. The winner of 4,015 races in the bike will address his prospects for another comeback on the show.
McElroy, a resident of Ingersoll, ON, is a two time winner of the Lampman Cup as the top driver on the Ontario Sires Stakes trail. He is a nephew of legendary horseman Jack Kopas, a Hall of Fame inductee in both the U.S. and Canada.
(Western Fair Raceway)