Special Joe Takes Free For All In 1:49.4

The first sub-1:50 clocking of the 2009 Chicagoland racing season was recorded on Saturday night as Gary and Kent Kreischer’s one time claimer, Special Joe, continued to amaze his owner and trainer taking Saturday’s featured $18,000 Free For All at Balmoral Park by 1 3/4 lengths in a blazing 1:49.4


In his latest triumph the gelded son of Jodys Cam-Specially Fine stormed from fifth to first after an opening quarter in :28.0. Perfectly rated by driver Josh Sutton the good looking four-year-old then proceeded to cruise through splits of :55.0 and 1:23.0 before storming home in :26.4 to wrap up the victory. Well To Do Guru (Casey Leonard) was second while Boo Bug (Todd Warren) finished third.

Special Joe, who captured the Rambling Willie Stake at Balmoral on May 2nd, now boasts a record of six wins, four seconds and one third in 15 starts this season with earnings $67,371.

(Balmoral Park)

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