SBOANJ Seeks Publicity Consultant
The Standardbred Breeders & Owners Association is seeking candidates to immediately fill the position of publicity consultant.
The SBOANJ’s publicist may work off-site. The consultant fee will depend on experience.
The responsibilities of the position include writing and designing the Association’s newsletter, Pacesetter, every other month; writing and distributing press releases; writing speeches, position papers, op-eds; writing, aggregating and posting material to the Association’s website,; coordinating with the Association’s webmaster, and preparing ads for trade publications and events. The candidate should have a knowledge of harness racing, and photography skills are an asset.
Applicants should send their resumes to the attention of Leo McNamara, Executive Administrator, Standardbred Breeders & Owners Association of New Jersey, 64 Business Route 33, Manalapan, NJ 07726 or [email protected].
The position is a part-time consultancy. No benefits are available.