Phil Pinkney Memorial (NS Stake)
For foals of 2022, 2023, and 2024 to be raced in 2025, 2026, and 2027.
PACERS & TROTTERS:For 2 and 3-year-old colts and fillies who are Nova Scotia foaled or 100% owned by Nova Scotia residents.
July 11, 2025 at Truro
September 6, 2025 at NSD
June 22, 2025 at INV
June 6, 2025 at Truro
August 7, 2025 at NSD
August 7, 2025 at NSD
Late Nomination Fee: March 15, 2024 $300 (closed)
Sustaining Fee: March 15, 2024 $100 (closed)
Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2025 $150
3 year old Late sustaining Fee: Feb 28, 2025 $600
Late Nomination Fee: March 15, 2025 $300 (does not include sustaining fee)
Sustaining Fee: March 15, 2025 $150
2 year old Late sustaining fee: March 31, 2025 $600
Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2026 $150
3 year old Late sustaining Fee: Feb 28, 2026 $600
Late Nomination Fee: August 31, 2025 $300 (does not include sustaining fee)
LN1 for yearlings purchased by Nova Scotia ownership: March 15, 2026, $550 (includes sustaining payment)
Sustaining Fee: March 15, 2026 $150
2 year old Late sustaining fee: March 31, 2026 $600
Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2027 $150
3 year old Late sustaining fee: February 28, 2027 $600
Pacers $300 - Trotters $150
All nomination and sustaining payments to be made to Standardbred Canada.
Payments can be made through SC Stakes Online by clicking here.
Payments can also be made directly to Standardbred Canada by mail.
Starting fees must be made payable to the Nova Scotia Harness Racing Industry Association (NSHRIA)
and paid at the track conducting the race, one hour prior to that race.
Formally known as Nova Scotia Stake Series.
1)For the purpose of this program, Nova Scotia foaled shall be defined as a foal whose place of birth on the Standardbred Canada/U.S.T.A. registration certificate indicates Nova Scotia or Nova Scotia sired. If not, Nova Scotia foaled or sired, the foal must remain 100% Nova Scotia ownership for the duration of the entire series. Effective 2023 for yearlings: Nova Scotia foaled shall be defined as a foal whose place of birth on the Standardbred Canada/U.S.T.A. registration certificate indicates Nova Scotia or Nova Scotia sired. If not, Nova Scotia foaled or sired, the foal must remain 100% Nova Scotia ownership for the duration of the entire series.
If not, Nova Scotia foaled or sired, foals must be 100% owned by Nova Scotia residents and are registered in that ownership with Standardbred Canada or the United States Trotting Association. (RESIDENT: A resident of Nova Scotia is a person whose primary residence is in Nova Scotia.)
2) The rules of racing and regulations of the Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission shall govern the race conditions of this stake.
3) Each event is to be contested at a distance of one mile.
4) There shall be separate divisions for pacing colts and fillies. Colts and fillies will race together in the trot divisions.
5) Breeders' awards, as determined by the sponsor, shall be paid to Nova Scotia breeders who are the registered breeder of a winner of a Nova Scotia Sires Stakes event.
6) The race shall be divided if the number of trailers exceeds two (2) or at the discretion of the race secretary.
7) (a) Declaration date is three days prior to the race, excluding Sundays, by 10:00 am at the racetrack where the race is to be held.
(b) All declared entries must have met and continue to meet qualifying standards as set forth by the Atlantic Standardbred Breeders Association as may be amended from time to time.
(c) A horse must show one clean line in the last two starts before declaring in, which the individual time of the horse is at least equal to 2:06 for a 3-year-old pacer, 2:09 for a two-year-old pacer, 2:11 for a 3-year-old trotter and 2:15 for a 2-year-old trotter. Two consecutive bad lines off a clean line will be allowed for two-year-old trotters only, however, any 2 or 3-year-old pacer or trotter put on the judge’s list for performance must qualify prior to its next start.
d) Such chartered line must be obtained in a purse, qualifying, or schooling race not more than 45 days preceding the time for declaration in the race.
e) The judges may give appropriate allowance for the track conditions and shall indicate whether or not the horse qualifies, and if a line is in a purse race it will be considered a clean line if the horse is interfered with, had broken equipment, or finished first, second, or third in that start.
8) Purse disbursement for five or more starters is 1st 45%, 2nd 22%, 3rd 15%, 4th 10%, 5th 8%. For four starters, distribution is 1st 47%, 2nd 24%, 3rd 17%, 4th 12%. For three starters, distribution is 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%. For two starters, distribution is 1st 60%, 2nd is 40%. For one starter 100%. Purses will be paid within 20 business days of the event.
9) Purse fund distribution: Pacing Colts: 40%, Pacing Fillies: 40%, Trotters 20%.
10) Nomination fees will be allocated equally to the 2-year-old and three-year-old purse pool accounts. Sustaining fees will be allocated to the year sustained.
11) In order to race as a 3-year-old, a sustaining fee must have been paid during the 2-year-old season for the horse to remain eligible.
12) All nominating, sustaining, and starting fees will be added to the purse. The Nova Scotia Harness Racing Industry Council's contribution will be added to the purse less administrative and advertising costs.
13) The Stakes Sponsor reserves the right to make changes with the approval of APHRC to the terms, conditions, and purse pool structure for future events of this stake series.
14) Should for any reason, the host track be unable to conduct a scheduled race, the stakes sponsor reserves the right to cancel, postpone the event, or to reschedule it to another date and/or track.
15) The stakes sponsor and host track assume no responsibility for injury, damages, or loss to participants of this event.
16) APHRC assumes no liability for purses, injury, damages, or loss to participants in this event.
Nova Scotia Harness Racing Industry Association.
Chantel Langille, 132 Oakland Drive, Lower Onslow, NS B6L 5J5 Tel:902-890-6761, email [email protected]
Standardbred Canada Stakes Department - 1-2150 Meadowvale Boulevard, Mississauga, ON, L5N 6R6 Tel: (905) 858-3060-254 Fax (905) 858-8047, e-mail: [email protected] website: