Dresden Gets 2015 Race Dates
The Director of the Ontario Racing Commission (ORC) has approved the application made by the Dresden Agricultural Society (Society) to amend the 2015 race date schedule for Dresden Raceway.
With this approval, Dresden will race eleven (11) days commencing May 31, 2015.
Early in December 2014, the ORC met with representatives of racetracks in South West Ontario, including Leamington Raceway (Lakeshore Horse Racing Association) Hiawatha Horse Park and Entertainment Centre, and Dresden Raceway.
As a result, a coordinated 2015 race date schedule was agreed upon between the parties.
Hiawatha – 21 days
Leamington – 14 days
Dresden – 11 days
Each racetrack was required to submit an application for an amended schedule.
In January 2015, the ORC was made aware that members of the Society elected new Board members. The Society then submitted an updated application. Under the authority of the Racing Commission Act, 2000 the ORC commenced an investigation into that application. Based on the findings of that investigation, the ORC will be working with the Society to ensure their continued compliance with the Rules of Racing and to the obligations under the Transfer Payment Agreement.
Please be advised that any aggrieved party has the right to appeal the Director’s decision to the Commission.