Jockey OK After Sensational Tumble

Jockey Lewis Ferguson picked himself up a few more followers on social media this week after a horrific-looking spill made him an Internet sensation.

The fall came during a racing event at Wincanton in the U.K. on April 1. Ferguson was in the irons on favourite Merrion Square when he was flung from his horse just before a jump.

"It was just a blur," Ferguson told The Daily Mail. "I couldn’t work out what had happened until I got back to the weighing room and watched the replay. All the other jockeys asked me if I was all right and stuff, they all watched with me and looked away in horror. It’s about the most impressive fall I’ve seen.

"There was nothing I could do to avoid it, you just have to let it take its course and hope it’s not a bad one. I’ve been very lucky. I got a bit of abuse from the lads and picked up a few hundred Twitter followers but it’s all good banter."

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