Dream of Glory

Sponsor: Hanover Bentinck & Brant Agricultural Society

Ontario sired 3-year-old trotting colts and fillies in 2025 that are non-winners of $75,000 (fillies $100,000) in 2024. No allowances.

Province: ON
Raced at: Hanover Raceway
Eliminations - $8,000 G each
Saturday, July 26, 2025
Final - $50,000 G
Saturday, August 2, 2025
Payment Schedule:
Nomination Fee:

February 15, 2025 $500 CAD ($375 USD)

Starting Fee:

$500 CAD (USD TBA) due at time of declaration
Declarations close as posted on weekly condition sheet.

Fee Notes:

PREFERRED METHOD OF PAYMENT ONLINE  @  https://woodbine.com/mohawk/standardbred-nomination/ 

Or  SEND TO: Woodbine Mohawk Park, Attn: Dana Keyes 9430 Guelph Line, PO Box 160, Campbellville, Ontario, L0P 1B0 NOMINATION FEES FOR ALL STAKES MUST ACCOMPANY THE NOMINATIONS. 

Payments can also be made through SC Stakes Online by clicking here.


TheRules ofRacingoftheAlcohol and GamingCommissionof Ontario ineffect atthetimethe raceis contestedshall governthisrace andanyand all entriestothe race will be
receivedonlywiththeunderstandingandontheagreementofthesubscriberthattheRulesofRacing govern,andthatthefollowingadditionalconditionsapply:
1. A maximumof eight(8) horseswillstartin eachelimination and the final.In the event that there are nine (9) orfewer declared startersforthese
events,theywillbecontestedas a singlefinaldash,withouteliminations.
2. All horsesmust be declaredto startinthe eliminationraces, bythe regular boxclosing date andtime.
3. EliminationWinnerstoDrawforthe InsidePostPositionsintheFinal:Iftheeliminations arecontestedintheweek priortotheFinal, postpositionsin
theFinalwill bedeterminedbyanopendraw withthe exceptionthattheEliminationwinnersinan order determined bylot, will drawfor post positions
number one (#1)through five (#5)in the final.All otherfinalistswill beplacedinan open drawfor theremainingpostpositions.
4. Noalsoeligiblewill drawintorace after wageringhas opened.
5. All ties will be drawn by lot.
6. Theremust be five (5) ormore starters declared to start orthe racewill bedeclaredoff and allmoneyreturnedas paid..
7. All nomination and starting fees will be added to the final. Colts and Fillies will race together.
8. Purse distribution: 50 per cent, 25 per cent, 12per cent, 8 per cent, 5 per cent.
9. OntarioSiredmeans bredby a sire thatwasregistered in theOntarioSiresStakesprograminthe year ofthebreeding.
10. Allracesto be raced over a distance of onemile (1609M)
11. U.S.Fundswillbeacceptedatthefees designatedonthe stakeconditions.U.S.fundswillbe convertedtoCanadianfundswhen depositedtothe
12. Toberacedpendingapproval ofracedates bytheAGCO.


Woodbine Mohawk Park - Dana Keyes, 9430 Guelph Line., P.O. Box 160, Campbellville, ON, L0P 1B0, Tel: (905) 854-7805, Fax: (905) 854-7828, e-mail: [email protected],website: www.woodbine.com/mohawk


Woodbine Entertainment - Dana Keyes, 9430 Guelph Line., P.O. Box 160, Campbellville, ON, L0P 1B0, Tel: (905) 854-7805, Fax: (905) 854-7828, e-mail: [email protected],website: www.woodbine.com/mohawk