Memorable Pat Quinn Photo Surfaces

The hockey world is mourning the loss of coaching icon Pat Quinn, who passed away Sunday, November 23 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Many images of the big Irishman have surfaced since news of Quinn’s passing broke, but there is one that is of special interest to those that follow Standardbred racing.

The Province uploaded a gallery of Pat Quinn images from its archive on Monday, and it leads with a shot of the revered bench boss in his younger years, holding the harness of an invitational pacer.

The undated photo, which is credited to Ray Allen, PNG, shows Quinn with the pacer Grangers Pride at Exhibition Park (the photo appears below).

Quinn is wearing a driving helmet in the black and white photo. The cutline beneath the photo on The Province website states that when the photo was snapped Quinn had just finished jogging Grangers Pride, and he had claimed later that he was interested in buying a Standardbred that he could train and race.

Quinn was a former player, coach and executive in the National Hockey League and passed away after a lengthy illness. For more on Quinn’s career and passing, click here.

Please join Standardbred Canada in offering condolences to the friends and family of Pat Quinn.

(With files from The Province – photo courtesy Ray Allen, PNG, The Province)

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