Big M Announces ‘Real Time’ Contests

Officials with the Meadowlands Racetrack have announced that it will offer free-to-play ‘Real Time’ Sports Contests starting September 2, 2014 at its Victory Sports Bar.

Players that have registered will be given an account with 1,000 points, enabling them to play every week starting Tuesday morning on any listed football game through the Monday night game.

Each Tuesday, the Meadowlands will award a weekly cash prize of $2,000.00 to the player that has earned the most points from the previous week. At the end of the regular football season, a grand prize of $10,000 will be awarded to the player that has accumulated the most points. In addition, gifts and prizes from the Meadowlands Racetrack will be awarded to runners up. Official rules will be announced shortly and posted at the Meadowlands Racetrack.

The contest system is powered by CG Technology and will utilize real-time information and real-time results ensuring continual action for the contestants every day.

“At the New Meadowlands Racetrack we offer a state of the art facility with a popular Las Vegas-themed sports bar,” said Jeff Gural. “Unlike other sports contests, our free to play ‘Real Time’ Sports Contests offers football enthusiasts the opportunity to play all week long in a luxurious setting. We look forward to offering this product this coming fall.”

In addition to the weekly and season-long cash prizes, the Meadowlands Racetrack will offer other contest prizes from properties that utilize CG Technology’s platforms. This will include travel and the opportunity to stay at many luxury Las Vegas locations and in the Bahamas.

(With files from the Meadowlands)

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