Ranger Injured At Pompano

An accident on Monday night at Pompano Park has left one of the track's top drivers sidelined indefinitely.

During Monday's third race, Bruce Ranger was driving Diamond Dude and was unable to avoid a fallen Mini Shark (Bryce Fenn). That collision also took out driver David Ingraham and Forward Bliss.

Ranger was thrown to the track and transported to hospital on Monday night. Track officials reported that Ranger suffered a broken pelvis and severely damaged vertebrae in lower back. He will not require any surgery but he will need substantial recovery time.

Pompano's all-time leading driver, Bruce Ranger is in a run of 32 straight years with over 100 wins or more sporting a career tally of 8,732 victories.

Fenn and Ingraham completed their driving assignments on Monday and the horses also reportedly avoided serious injury.

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