SC News

In writing for this annual State of the Industry edition for Trot Magazine, the word ‘choice’ is in the forefront of my thoughts. How will we choose to move forward as an industry? In the previous issue of this magazine I highlighted some of the positives of the industry across the country, and there are many; just as there are challenges, or should we choose; opportunities, as we look to the future.

Today’s reality and the reality going forward is that our industry is about partnerships. Racing no longer enjoys the monopoly it once did on legalized gaming. Some choose to look backwards and long for the days of yesteryear. Others choose to look forward and build the partnerships that will be essential to sustain the industry into the future. As an industry we must choose the latter.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that actions by governments in Ontario or elsewhere that are having severe negative impacts on our industry are justified. To the contrary, they make no sense. The loss of breeding opportunities, raising, caring for, and racing horses and the economic benefit that accompanies all these activities including job loss is poor public policy. Explanations for the change hold no logic and certainly contain no economic sense. But, decisions that affected the livelihoods of our members were made in ignorance and forced the industry into crisis management. Our choice has to be a proactive one to cultivate partnerships so we are seen as part of the solution, instead of part of the problem.

Partnerships in their basic form are about creating win-win scenarios for all involved. They are about all the partners understanding the contribution of the others. Having worked within government for the past twenty-five years I can attest that all governments are facing financial pressures to maintain public services. Governments need revenues to provide public services, our industry needs revenues to be sustainable and grow. The opportunity and responsibility belongs to us in charting a path forward. We must proceed in a professional manner with a business plan that shows the return on investment for all involved. In this we are fortunate, as our business case is fundamentally sound and clearly shows the win-win scenario.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” These words of Lincoln should caution our industry to stay united in its position. While espousing different viewpoints may result in short term gains for some, a sustainable future for all sectors of the industry must have a unified voice. Either we choose to unify to define our future or continue to have the future defined for us.

Choice… we have a choice… progress is a choice. We can choose to lead. To lead in the effort to build the essential partnerships going forward, to lead in bringing unity to the voice of the standardbred industry to the benefit of all partners. I hope you choose to contribute in a way that is suitable for you.

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