Another Horse Pulled From Pond

Another story has arisen in the mainstream media about a horse in Ontario having to be rescued after falling through an ice-covered pond.

The Standardbred Canada website highlighted a story earlier this week by CTV News regarding a pair of horses falling through an ice-covered pond just outside of Fort Erie.

CBC News has also run a story about another horse that had to be rescued after it fell through the ice on an ice-covered pond.

The CBC News report explains that a horse named ‘Bob’ fell through the ice at Lisa Prevost's Thunder Bay property this past weekend. Lisa and her husband tried their best to get Bob out of the pond, but they were unable to extract the eight-year-old from the chilly water.

Bob was eventually removed from the cold pond after neighbours and volunteer fire and rescue personnel came to their aid.

Bob suffered some swelling to his legs, but no breaks. Bob is currently recovering.

(With files from CBC News)

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