Top Drivers at Summerside Raceway

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through July 22, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
David J Dowling               106    24    22    18      82,123    22.6    .398
Corey W Macpherson            124    18    21    30     112,371    14.5    .319
Marc Campbell                  67    15    13     5      89,418    22.4    .356
Adam Merner                    72    12    14    11      82,349    16.7    .325
Ken C Murphy                  119    11    18    25      63,631     9.2    .246
Gilles J Barrieau              42    10     5     4      77,380    23.8    .335
Damian Maclellan               45     8    12     3      21,981    17.8    .348
Brady C Sweet                  46     8     6     6      20,325    17.4    .289
Myles Heffernan                61     7     5     6      55,244    11.5    .193
Paul W Langille                52     7     4     7      35,535    13.5    .222
Brodie A Mac Phee              34     5     7     8      36,987    14.7    .339
Jaycob R Sweet                 38     5     3     6      13,397    13.2    .228
Jason K Hughes                 19     5     1     1      27,247    26.3    .309
Michael D Mcguigan             16     4     3     2      34,783    25.0    .395
Taylor A Doyle                 21     3     2     1       6,551    14.3    .211
Devon Wallace                  13     3     1     1       5,221    23.1    .299
Norris E Rogers                12     2     0     1       4,099    16.7    .194
Darren R Crowe                 14     1     5     3      10,357     7.1    .341
Mary Clare Macdonald           11     1     4     2      14,239     9.1    .353
Brett J O Clow                 19     1     3     3       4,602     5.3    .192
Harold G Shepherd              10     1     3     2       4,079    10.0    .333
Brett D Leblanc                13     1     2     2       3,525     7.7    .213
Kyle J N Desroche              15     1     2     0       3,130     6.7    .140
Robert J Chappell              30     1     1     4       3,755     3.3    .096
Kenneth P Arsenault            11     1     1     1      16,037     9.1    .171
Colin D Sheppard                9     1     1     0       2,482    11.1    .172
L Darryl Maclean                2     1     0     1      10,949    50.0    .666
Dana L Sweet                    8     1     0     1       1,517    12.5    .166
Zach P Conway                   5     1     0     0       1,247    20.0    .200
Kenneth J Macdonald             1     1     0     0       5,850   100.0   1.000
Zachary D Mullins               1     1     0     0       4,106   100.0   1.000
Steven J Shepherd               2     1     0     0       1,125    50.0    .500
Todd G Trites                   3     1     0     0       5,050    33.3    .333
Patrick Shepherd                4     0     2     2       1,888     0.0    .444
William K Mackay Jr            10     0     1     1       1,246     0.0    .088
S Keith Ford                    2     0     1     0         637     0.0    .277
Robert W Laffin                 2     0     1     0       4,669     0.0    .277
Steven C Murphy                 3     0     1     0         537     0.0    .185
Dr Mitchell M Downey            5     0     0     1         712     0.0    .066
Bernard D Mccallum              4     0     0     1       3,210     0.0    .083
Ryan Darrell Neill              3     0     0     1         430     0.0    .111
Dale Pr Spence                  2     0     0     1         538     0.0    .166
Neil A Bambrick                 1     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
Mark A Bradley                  5     0     0     0       3,665     0.0    .000
Samuel E Hodgin                 2     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
Dave B Kelly                    2     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
Jeff C Lewis                    1     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
Shawn O Maclennan               1     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
Donald C Mac Neill              2     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
Bruce J Mc Gean                 1     0     0     0         912     0.0    .000

                    Last 20 Days 20/9/2023 thru 22/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
David J Dowling               182    42    44    27     139,071    23.1    .414
Corey W Macpherson            192    37    31    47     180,494    19.3    .364
Ken C Murphy                  191    18    28    35     100,914     9.4    .236
Adam Merner                    91    18    17    16     100,942    19.8    .360
Marc Campbell                  67    15    13     5      89,418    22.4    .356
Paul W Langille                80    15     7     9      57,859    18.8    .273
Jaycob R Sweet                 76    11     9    13      28,256    14.5    .267
Brady C Sweet                  83    10    11    13      31,939    12.0    .246
Gilles J Barrieau              54    10     8     5      93,190    18.5    .298
Jason K Hughes                 29     9     4     1      63,151    31.0    .398

                    Last 15 Days 24/10/2023 thru 22/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
David J Dowling               130    30    29    20      95,252    23.1    .405
Corey W Macpherson            136    21    22    33     117,594    15.4    .325
Adam Merner                    87    17    17    15      92,199    19.5    .361
Marc Campbell                  67    15    13     5      89,418    22.4    .356
Ken C Murphy                  132    14    19    27      70,013    10.6    .254
Gilles J Barrieau              42    10     5     4      77,380    23.8    .335
Damian Maclellan               45     8    12     3      21,981    17.8    .348
Brady C Sweet                  61     8     9    10      24,299    13.1    .267
Jaycob R Sweet                 51     8     8     7      21,138    15.7    .289
Paul W Langille                60     8     5     7      38,034    13.3    .218

                    Last 10 Days 11/6/2024 thru 22/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
David J Dowling                81    18    20    14      62,604    22.2    .417
Corey W Macpherson             95    15    21    19      86,102    15.8    .347
Marc Campbell                  55    13    10     4      68,433    23.6    .361
Gilles J Barrieau              37    10     4     3      69,580    27.0    .357
Ken C Murphy                   92     9    13    20      46,320     9.8    .248
Paul W Langille                45     7     1     7      24,580    15.6    .219
Adam Merner                    49     6    10    10      53,425    12.2    .303
Damian Maclellan               34     6     8     3      15,755    17.6    .336
Myles Heffernan                48     5     4     4      39,320    10.4    .178
Brady C Sweet                  34     5     3     5      11,277    14.7    .245

                    Last 5 Days 17/7/2024 thru 22/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Gilles J Barrieau              31    10     4     3      68,107    32.3    .426
Marc Campbell                  40     8     8     3      55,734    20.0    .336
Corey W Macpherson             45     7     9    11      63,987    15.6    .348
David J Dowling                32     6     7     6      34,864    18.8    .371
Adam Merner                    33     5     8     7      49,400    15.2    .356
Jason K Hughes                 19     5     1     1      27,247    26.3    .309
Michael D Mcguigan             13     3     2     2      26,503    23.1    .367
Myles Heffernan                23     3     2     0      29,903    13.0    .178
Paul W Langille                20     3     1     3      15,872    15.0    .227
Ken C Murphy                   38     2     2    10      21,552     5.3    .169

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