Top Drivers at Charlottetown Driving Park

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through December 15, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                 650   165   109    97     642,356    25.4    .396
David J Dowling               550   124   107    75     396,731    22.5    .378
Gilles J Barrieau             505    90    87    91     415,633    17.8    .333
Adam Merner                   495    86    91    98     425,620    17.4    .341
Jason K Hughes                425    81    70    59     373,528    19.1    .328
Corey W Macpherson            578    76    89   111     394,003    13.1    .281
Ken C Murphy                  466    41    62    83     204,732     8.8    .221
Brady C Sweet                 144    35    27    20      92,500    24.3    .393
Paul W Langille               230    34    32    26     168,389    14.8    .262
Brodie A Mac Phee             209    31    36    30     141,668    14.8    .291
Damian Maclellan              193    28    22    23      86,403    14.5    .248
Kenneth P Arsenault           264    27    35    45     112,643    10.2    .232
Myles Heffernan Sr            259    24    28    41     181,005     9.3    .205
Mark A Bradley                142    17    13    19      43,746    12.0    .215
Michael D Mcguigan            108    15    21    15     111,664    13.9    .293
Colin D Sheppard               87     9     9    10      24,969    10.3    .199
S Keith Ford                  108     8    14    14      27,612     7.4    .189
Dale Pr Spence                 31     7     6     1      34,375    22.6    .344
Steven J Shepherd              57     5     8     5      18,009     8.8    .194
Patrick Shepherd               27     5     1     4       8,846    18.5    .255
Steven C Murphy                62     4     3     6      12,592     6.5    .123
James H Ripley                 30     4     3     3      14,439    13.3    .222
Redmond Kc Doucet              12     4     3     1      24,251    33.3    .500
Brett D Leblanc                44     3     4     8      10,497     6.8    .179
Kenneth J Macdonald             4     3     1     0      24,734    75.0    .888
Jaycob R Sweet                 16     2     5     2      12,763    12.5    .340
Dave B Kelly                   22     2     3     1       5,682     9.1    .181
Todd J L Walsh                 27     2     2     3       5,684     7.4    .152
Dr Mitchell M Downey           17     2     2     2       5,957    11.8    .222
Michael B Downey               20     2     1     4       6,774    10.0    .194
Kyle J N Desroche              18     2     1     2       5,204    11.1    .179
James A Macdonald               7     2     1     2      19,028    28.6    .460
Jordan D Stratton               2     2     0     0      53,187   100.0   1.000
Mary Clare Macdonald           20     1     4     3      16,667     5.0    .211
Harold G Shepherd              19     1     4     0       8,705     5.3    .169
Todd G Trites                   7     1     3     1       3,411    14.3    .428
Brett A Macdonald              22     1     2     3      19,517     4.5    .141
Brad A E Smith                 10     1     2     0       2,324    10.0    .211
David L Obrien                 15     1     1     5       6,910     6.7    .214
Vaughan A Doyle                17     1     1     4       4,054     5.9    .169
Ambyr L Campbell               12     1     1     1       2,688     8.3    .157
Neil A Bambrick                22     1     1     0       3,080     4.5    .070
Donald C Macneill              17     1     0     6       3,818     5.9    .176
Natasha K Day                   1     1     0     0       1,150   100.0   1.000
Paul W Lanigan                  2     1     0     0       1,571    50.0    .500
Mark A Macdonell                2     1     0     0       1,658    50.0    .500
Marc B Whebby                   5     1     0     0       1,382    20.0    .200
Ryan P Desroche                90     0    19    12      23,292     0.0    .161
Brett J O Clow                 58     0     5     4       7,583     0.0    .070
Darren R Crowe                 12     0     3     0       5,734     0.0    .138

                    Last 20 Days 5/10/2024 thru 15/12/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                 209    58    36    33     241,166    27.8    .425
David J Dowling               149    39    28    15     121,707    26.2    .399
Gilles J Barrieau             160    30    30    27     159,668    18.8    .347
Jason K Hughes                150    27    24    19     144,158    18.0    .311
Corey W Macpherson            179    24    25    37     147,078    13.4    .280
Adam Merner                   142    17    22    37     119,647    12.0    .292
Paul W Langille               101    17    17     7      91,149    16.8    .284
Kenneth P Arsenault            69     8     6    18      31,083    11.6    .251
Ken C Murphy                  103     7    16    13      57,431     6.8    .196
Myles Heffernan Sr             68     6     9    12      72,607     8.8    .220

                    Last 15 Days 19/10/2024 thru 15/12/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                 157    41    31    25     131,487    26.1    .423
David J Dowling               109    28    23    12      77,170    25.7    .410
Gilles J Barrieau             113    25    22    19      99,715    22.1    .385
Jason K Hughes                114    21    20    14      76,315    18.4    .322
Corey W Macpherson            133    17    12    32      90,478    12.8    .258
Adam Merner                   105    15    16    28      80,636    14.3    .316
Paul W Langille                74    11    16     3      54,257    14.9    .282
Kenneth P Arsenault            56     8     4    15      24,214    14.3    .271
Ken C Murphy                   77     6    12     8      36,317     7.8    .199
Mark A Bradley                 38     6     2     9      13,261    15.8    .266

                    Last 10 Days 9/11/2024 thru 15/12/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                  97    26    21    15      62,921    26.8    .439
David J Dowling                72    17    16     9      41,078    23.6    .401
Jason K Hughes                 75    16     9    10      40,150    21.3    .324
Gilles J Barrieau              69    14    13    11      37,836    20.3    .360
Corey W Macpherson             89    12     4    23      37,615    13.5    .245
Adam Merner                    76     9    14    19      32,389    11.8    .304
Paul W Langille                57     9    13     1      25,404    15.8    .290
Kenneth P Arsenault            37     6     3     7      14,810    16.2    .270
Mark A Bradley                 28     6     2     7      12,035    21.4    .337
Ken C Murphy                   45     3     6     3      12,011     6.7    .162

                    Last 5 Days 1/12/2024 thru 15/12/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                  51    15    11     6      35,579    29.4    .453
Jason K Hughes                 35     9     4     6      21,531    25.7    .377
Adam Merner                    37     8     6    10      20,468    21.6    .396
Gilles J Barrieau              32     7     8     4      19,330    21.9    .399
David J Dowling                33     7     5     5      16,734    21.2    .346
Corey W Macpherson             45     5     1    10      18,515    11.1    .197
Ken C Murphy                   27     3     2     1       7,333    11.1    .164
Mark A Bradley                 14     3     1     4       6,788    21.4    .349
Kenneth P Arsenault            19     2     2     3       6,221    10.5    .216
Paul W Langille                29     1    10     1      10,829     3.4    .237
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