Wrenn Returns After Surgery


North America's top dash-winning driver from 2013, Ronnie Wrenn Jr. returns to the sulky for the first time in 2014 this coming Monday.

Wrenn, who had wrist surgery at The Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio on January 6, gets back in the bike at Northfield Park.

“My right wrist had an old sports injury. I broke it playing football when I was younger and had broke it a few times since,” said Wrenn. “All of my wrist’s cartilage is gone so they had to remove one of my bones and make some incisions in that tendon.”

Wrenn has spent his time off relaxing after an extremely busy 2013. He spent time with family in his home state of Michigan, spent time as a spectator at Northfield Park and enjoyed a cruise in the Caribbean.

“These past few weeks have been tough because I really like driving horses and it is hard not being able to do what you want to do,” explained Wrenn. “I am very excited to get back in the bike an start competing again."

In just his third year of full-time driving, Wrenn won his first North American driving title in 2013 by virtue of his 714 wins -- almost 70 better than the 645 wins put up by Bruce Aldrich, Jr. and Dave Palone. Wrenn is scheduled to drive in 13 of the 15 races programmed on Monday at Northfield with a first-race post time of 6:00 p.m.

(with files from Northfield)

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