ZOOM Voting Now Open!


The I Love Canadian Harness Racing Fan Club would like to thank everyone who submitted photos for September’s Zoom Photography Challenge featuring the theme of “Kindred Spirits.”

We were flooded with entries and it was very difficult to narrow it down to four choices. Now it’s time for you to vote for one of the photos selected by contest officials so we can determine our winner!

Vote for the shot you feel best captures the Kindred Spirits theme – an image that shows a special connection or bond between a person and a horse, or a horse and a farm friend.

The winner will be chosen by this poll and will receive a $50 Fan Club swag package. The six monthly winners will be eligible to win a Grand Prize, which will include a $50 gift card to the racetrack of their choice and an enlargement of their winning photo framed or plaque mounted! Click here to vote now. Voting ends at 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Monday, October 7.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit photos!

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