Dustin On Western Fair Race Appeal

On Tuesday January 13, Trot Insider spoke with trainer/driver Greg Dustin after he came out of his Ontario Racing Commission appeal hearing in regard to a now-notorious race which took place October 28, 2008 at Western Fair Raceway in London, ON
The judges' on-track ruling that night stated that Dustin finished second in the race, one and a quarter lengths back of then-four-year-old Dream Away gelding Dream Well in the 2:00 mile. Dustin and his mount had raced second-over with then-three-year-old Western Hanover colt Resistol.
Dream Well, driven by Don McElroy, was the post time favourite and was locked in along the final turn. With his mount locked in and full of pace, McElroy took Dream Well to the inside safety lane. After going inside multiple pylons, McElroy came back onto the track and was first under the wire. The presiding ORC judges left McElroy's number up as the race winner, which Dustin was appealing.
"I don't think anyone participating in the race did anything wrong," Dustin told Trot Insider. "Given the circumstance, Donny made the right decision taking the horse inside along the turn, but to leave him up after he had been inside for so long was what I was contesting. Donny's horse should've been placed back and my horse named the winner."
Dustin, who told Trot Insider that the appeal took about an hour, said he was pleased with the way that the hearing went.
"Everything went well today. The ORC didn't try to spin what happened on the track. In my opinion, they dealt with the issue professionally today, and I'm confident that they will be making the proper rulings in regard to this issue going forward."
Dustin did say that he believes that, after the race in question, the rules on the books will have to be changed. He added that there currently isn't a rule on the books that says a horse cannot advance its position in that manner while off the course.
Karen McDonald Whatever
Karen McDonald Whatever about the race, but the number 1 horse was dead lame.
were the judges fired.the
were the judges fired.the betters for the true winner recieved no money back so anyone that was responsible for such a poor decision should never again be in a judging position
All of you betters that are
All of you betters that are making these comments should be addressing these concerns with the ORC. There are a lot of good judges out there that are very capable. I think that all judges should be evaluated on their performance and attend a seminar yearly, where video tapes of infractions such as this can also be evaluated.
Okay so the judges placed
Okay so the judges placed the horse that finished second, first and so on down the line.
Great, the ORC looked after the horseman's interests but what about the guy in the grandstand????
I was always under the impression the ORC's main focus was to protect the integrity of the sport. To watch over the persons interests in the grandstand.
Isn't that their number one priority when it comes to Judging the races? They're in place to make sure the races are run fairly and allow know tom foolery, or crookedness to take place during a race.
Why the silence from Hugh Mitchel and the rest of the management team at Western Fair raceway while this judging fiasco was left sitting on the ORC's Directors desk down in Toronto for the past three months?
If I had money on Resistol,
If I had money on Resistol, I'd be absolutley livid. I'm sure the connections of Resistol will be awarded the winner's share of the purse but what about the patrons that had win money on Resistol or Resistol on top in Tri's, Supers, or Exactors?
There should be internal
There should be internal investigation on why these judges didn,t get it right.
Where is the accountability?
Where is the accountability? If it was a horseman that did wrong their name would be plastered everywhere. The names of these judges are nowhere to be seen. Integrity, people integrity!
In reply to Where is the accountability? by Anonymous (not verified)
Is that not what is preached
Is that not what is preached upholding the integrity of Ontario Racing
Is that not the bellweather of The code of the racing commission
where is it here
In reply to Where is the accountability? by Anonymous (not verified)
I myself have been fined by
I myself have been fined by what many people call inconsistent judging. Too bad judges cant be fined for their mistakes like everyone else in this business.
Wow, I am a casual race fan
Wow, I am a casual race fan and bettor and I just watched that and I am appalled. The fact that his number stayed up is embarassing for the sport.
In reply to Wow, I am a casual race fan by Anonymous (not verified)
Casual race fan, Thank you
Casual race fan,
Thank you for your support; and just to let you know all in harness racing were dumbfounded when the number was left up. I've never before wittnessed such a blatant rule violation that went unnoticed and for the sport's sake I hope it never happens again.
Once again, thank you for your continued support and good luck!
That had to be the most
That had to be the most disapointing outcome in a race I have ever had as a bettor. Although the best horse in the race won. A good handicappers money would have been on Resistol. I have no idea how this horse stayed on the board, as most who have had a horse taken down on them in the past would. The ORC should be ashamed of this incident.
It's pretty bad when a bettor loses money on a race when their horse actually won, by rule.
again the bettor gets ripped
again the bettor gets ripped off. judges make wrong call race declared offical. appeal is made judges change order of race at a later date.wrong bettors get paid right better gets ripped off could cost hundreds of dollars to bettors. something should be done to protect bettors. if an inqury is made, all bets on that race should be held untill all appeals are heard and the right order is offical. then pay out now no one gets ripped of and the right call is made.
What a farce.Why did it take
What a farce.Why did it take this long?The betting public gets screwed again.
After reading the official
After reading the official document outlining the upheld appeal, I am still confused as to who was placed 5th and 6th.
An "appeals judge" (somewhat like a video replay referee in hockey), should be available at all tracks to further review any similar incidents getting them corrected on the spot.
In reply to After reading the official by Gavin Christie (not verified)
Dreamwell was DQ'd from 1st
Dreamwell was DQ'd from 1st and placed last.
Every horse in the race other than Dreamwell moveds up 1 spot.
I would be fuming as a bettor with tri tickets on the 2-3-4 places and not being able to cash them.
There will be actions I am sure taking place behind the scenes that you will never hear of.
Such as reprimends to the judges perhaps.
Does this mean that I can
Does this mean that I can now cash my tickets with the horse Resistol on top?
What kind of response does
What kind of response does the ORC have for this kind of insane decision making. Now the judges are human we know and errors can be made but this is ridiculous. The ORC are very quick to administer their wrath upon us if we make an honest mistake, even if there isn't a specific rule. What happened to these judges,did they get fined and suspended. Fairness should go both ways I would think.
Where is the Pari-Mutuel agency in this item. Just how many bettors got screwed with that call. Does one wonder why bettors are departing in droves.
Frank Lester
Pylons were put in place of
Pylons were put in place of the hub rail for safety reasons, so think,if a horse went over the hub rail when it was in place, he would not have finished the race, he most likely would have been down, so, in fact, the pylons are the "Hub Rail" and therefore thr horse will have to be placed out of the money. Shame on the judges who should know better if they are in the position of making decisions.
after looking at this
after looking at this race,who ever the judges were should be fined and suspended....
There are two important
There are two important issues here.
Not necessarily in the right order:
Issue 1: Making the correct call, and
Issue 2: The role of the Ontario Racing Commission, in allowing this
incident to fester. How much damage has been done to ALL the
parties involved with a 3 month delay?
I have said it once, and will continue to say it again, "Who will regulate the regulators?"
Yours for integrity, and transparency,
Marty Adler
In reply to There are two important by Marty Adler (not verified)
Marty you are so right!! I
Marty you are so right!!
I wrote the ORC several months ago before this incident happened.I was concerned about another issue, and suggested their should be a committee formed to review some of the ORC decisions if needed.
How the situation pertaining to this race at Western Fair went on for 3 months is outrageous.I bet the race,threw my ticket out after the inquiry and now can not collect. This incident shows the lack of integrity and transparancy that is being complained about and chasing away fans from the sport.
We NEED a huge overhaul and fast. All those judges should be fined and suspended and posted on the fine and suspension list.
Did anyone else notice Mr.
Did anyone else notice Mr. McElroy grabbing for more leather before his horse left the course? Somebody help me out here but isn't there a rule where the driver must drive in a safe manner and maintain control of the horse, or something like that. Now, making the drivers keep their hands in the hand holds for better control of the horse is a great rule. Now you need to update that rule by stating that the handholds can't be in the back pockets of the driver. I am far from a driver but I have to believe that if the hand holds were set properly in the first place this would not of happened. You have to expect getting jammed up in a hole sometime so for everybody's safety, move the handholds up a little guys. The judges should have seen this and disqualified or fined Mr. McElroy for this infraction also. I do applaud Mr. McElroy for leaving the course, he probably saved a pile up. Your all in this together, be safe out there guys.
In reply to Did anyone else notice Mr. by Greg Parke (not verified)
I agree with Mr. Park a
I agree with Mr. Park a driver with his handholds set too far back is not driving safely. This is done by most of todays drivers in response to the ORC rule that a driver must maintain his handholds to allow him more leverage to strike his horse. This needs to be addressed. It is sickening watching supposed good drivers throwing their lines and seeing a huge loop hanging at the horses hocks. These so called good drivers are unsafe and have no idea how to keep a horse alive!
What would've happened if
What would've happened if this was a big Stake race? I GUARANTEE the driver would've been set back and probably DQ'd!
I just seen the tape, anyone
I just seen the tape, anyone with any knowledge about racing could see that the horse should be thrown out i bet there was a real stink in the paddock after that one?
I guess the ORC doesn't
I guess the ORC doesn't realize how much damage they are doing themselves to the integrity of the horse racing business with instances like this. Trouble with this is where does it leave the bettor, the people that dropped money on that race and any other race were there are goof ups? Fine, they lost me now.
I'm confident the appeal
I'm confident the appeal decision will correct the judges' error.
If not: Could I request that if a horse who appears hopelessy locked-in going down the backstretch, he be allowed to cut across the WFR infield parking lot to protect my betting interests? I promise I won't quit wagering on WFR racing (as so many have threatened) I'll just start handicapping differently !
Why couldn,t the orc make a
Why couldn,t the orc make a decision on the spot. They look bad for not making a immediate stand. How long is this going to take ?
i raced a horse one day and
i raced a horse one day and the driver could not hold her and went inside 2 pylons.my horse got thrown and placed last and had to re-qualify.
I saw this race live,
I saw this race live, through simulcast, and could not believe the outcome. I've been following this story very closely mainly to try and figure out why the winner was not eventually placed back for his actions. Unfortunately I have never read or seen anything stating why. Can anyway please clarify this for me ?
i still dont understand how
i still dont understand how they could have possibly left his number up, things like this are not good to see left up for the public eye. it was too plain and simple to see and be set down, judges error to say the least is another black eye on racing
Glad to see that the appeals
Glad to see that the appeals process is in good working order.
I'm sure all the proper
I'm sure all the proper placements will be made.
Purses re-distributed etc.
What recourse do the bettors that had Tri"s Exactors Win money etc
have. I"ll tell you NONE.
Lets also see some kind of "placement for the Judges"
I sure hope they state a
I sure hope they state a rule now. That race was a disgrace to the racing game, and everyone knows it!
I think all rules pertaining
I think all rules pertaining to "inside the pylons",should seriously be re-evaluated -REGULAR RACING FAN-
I Thought there was a rule,
I Thought there was a rule, regarding the pylons. If you go inside 3 or more that you are automatically placed last? He went inside at least 15 (if not more). If this rule is not in exsitance I want my money! I have had a few horses go inside the pylons and was placed back, or last.
I think that all Horsemen should appeal all Pylon Violations now!
The O.R.C needs to have a serious review of themselves. They go on about integrity in horse racing.
This is totally wacked. IMO
This is totally wacked. IMO the judges in question should all be fired. This is only going to hurt the sport of horse racing in Canada. I know I am one person that has seen enough.
In reply to This is totally wacked. IMO by Anonymous (not verified)
I must say I have questioned
I must say I have questioned many times THE JUDGES' CALL I realy think it's time judges ARE resp for their calls , I'm sick at all the money I lost on Judges call's some ONE has to come clean on this call. What about the BETTER ARE YOU GOING TO TELL TO SUCK IT UP? Would this not be illegal?