More On Taras Natyshak's Motion

Many questions surround the motion that will be presented and debated in Ontario's provincial legislature this Thursday, March 28. What does it mean for the slots-at-racetracks program? Is the motion binding? And are the Progressive Conservatives working with the NDP on this motion?
In an interview conducted late last week, Norm Borg and Essex MPP Taras Natyshak discuss the motion that will be presented and debated at Queen's Park on Thursday, March 28. That motion calls for the extension of the Slots at Racetracks Program beyond the March 31, 2013 deadline and for referendums to be held before new casinos are built in Ontario.
The text of Natyshak's motion is as follows:
That, in the opinion of this House, the following principles should be immediately applied to the Province's gaming policy:
1) Implementation of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation's transformation of gaming strategy be suspended until after the 2014 Ontario municipal elections in order to allow municipalities wanting to be a host site for a casino to undertake a referendum on the issue on the 2014 ballot;
2) A panel, composed of representatives nominated by the three recognized parties, be tasked with hearing from stakeholders and drafting fair spending limits for parties taking part in the referendum on casinos;
3) Changes to the Slots at the Racetracks partnership be frozen, in order to enable the horseracing industry to continue to operate while the government engages the industry in a robust consultation with the goal of ensuring its survival, stability and growth; and
4) Current funds from unclaimed purses due to racetrack closures be made available to local or community race tracks. Filed March 18, 2013.
Natyshak told Trot Radio's Norm Borg that the motion is not binding, thus it will have no immediate impact.
"It indicates the will of the house," says Natyshak. "It indicates, quite clearly to the government where we would like them to take their direction and even more importantly in a minority government where they're required to make some compromise and understand where that can be made."
It was reported last week that both the NDP and PC Parties were onboard with this motion, even helping getting it tabled. Natyshak says that's not the case.
"We didn't actually manage to get together [with the Tories], this is something that is an initiative right from our party," noted Natyshak. "The Tories played no part in facilitating this motion coming forward at all. In fact, they expressed quite clear reservation in supporting it."
To listen to the full interview with Borg and Natyshak, including Natyshak's opinion on the PC white paper presented by PC Leader Tim Hudak, click the play button below.
Trot Radio - Episode 290 - MPP Taras Natyshak
Audio Format: MP3 audio
Host: Norm Borg
One would hope Mr.Natyshak
One would hope Mr.Natyshak has the support of his party leader the question is,does he.He can talk all he wants but in the end it all comes don to what Andrea Horwath says.And with no help from Hudac it's all just hot air.
Go get them Mr. Natyshak.
Go get them Mr. Natyshak. The Liberals cannot find a way to stop this insanity and need this bill to set things right. Bob Burley
While we have listened to
While we have listened to much hyperbole regarding this issue from all the major parties we finally have Mr. Natyshak putting his actions where his mouth is. Boy" it sure makes me change my biased opinion of another politician joining a small number of truth tellers! Miracles do happen? Wouldn*t it be wonderful if this motion passes unanimously, yes even the Liberals! As always I won*t hold my breath, but I*ve been wrong before! As a passionate and concerned Ontarian who happens to own horses and sincerely cares about the devastation to those working on my behalf and others to face total annihilation for no reason, I offer my sincere thanks on behalf of us all to Mr. Natyshak! To the other members of the legislature please stand up and be counted! Rural Ontario needs all the support we can get from those sworn to serve?
Clearly stories and websites
Clearly stories and websites are not gospel truth, pay attention to the vote stop dreaming people, what Taras has stated is true all the parties have members that support this issue but we should get a clear indication of where we stand with the majority of memebers since it is not binding they do not have to follow the party line and should vote their belief. On a personal note I have seen a wide mix of support and discontent for our industry, we do a great job getting facts out to each other but not to the general population. Another observation is that no party has a plan for horse racing that is a good as the SARP and in fact we probably will not get this ever again from any party, start looking for an alternative that we can make work and no one in Ontario needs the dealings of Paul Godfrey or Larry Tanenbuam and their direction for Ontario or horse racing we had a pretty nice sand box and they want it.
Natyshak sidestepped the
Natyshak sidestepped the budget question as we all knew he would. Norm asked the hard question and we got our answer-THE NDP IS GOING TO SUPPORT THE LIBERALS.
Natyshak also said this is non-binding and interestingly he said it would make all members of parliament accountable for how they voted. So really it is another chance for them to make speeches. Half of the members of the house will not even be there and the Liberals may just abstain their vote like the NDP did on budget day. Then nobody is on record as saying this is a bad thing.
This takes place on the 28th and we are out of business on the 31st even though it appears as their on some condition sheets that reflect April racing. To me that is confusing. I am waiting for a statement that says we are racing or we are not. I am continuing to pay to have my horses trained with no certain future.
The entire parliament is at fault here. Why this grandstand play 3 days before the end with a non-binding motion? Natyshak also said the conservatives have reservations on supporting horse racing as not all members support us. McNaughton is only one and Hudak has really never committed. That still bothers me.
Is anyone going down to parliament on the 28th?
Georg Leber-ICR Racing
With some exceptions, the
With some exceptions, the people at Queen's Park seem to be really out of touch with reality concerning the expectations of the people of Ontario, the constituents that pay their paycheque. The baseing of the economy of Ontario on casinos with imaginary income and revenues is total folly. So many industries have left never to return. Just thinking , Bruce T. Winning
Well, the air certainly went
Well, the air certainly went out of that balloon.. Once again the mis-information is disappointing to say the least. Even though the motion is not binding we were under the impression that the two minority partys were united.. not the case!
I have conducted business with many different Ministries in Ontario over my career and I have learned one thing.. be ready to re-invent yourself in a moments notice.
When the dust settles after April 1, I suggest that's exactly what we do.. It will take a professional and strategic marketing campaign filled with inovative ideas to save our sport.
Stu McIntosh