Graeme Mitchell To Rideau

Trot Insider has spoken to Graeme Mitchell, veteran Quebec horse racing handicapper, television personality and jack of all trades, after he was let go by racetrack operator Attractions Hippiques Wednesday, December 3.

Mitchell confirmed that he will be partnering with Norm Borg of Rideau Carleton Raceway for a variety of on-camera and other projects related to racing in the Ottawa, Ont. region.

"I've been a part of the Quebec industry for 35 years," Mitchell said. "I'm not happy that I've been let go by Attractions Hippiques. They've been good to me, to an extent. I'm still friends with Gerard Landry. To tell you the truth, I thought that I was out of a job a month ago. The time had come."

The current demise of Quebec's racing industry has pained breeders, owners and all horsepeople, but that doesn't mean folks like Mitchell and other racing employees don't feel a similar sting.

"It's an absolute shame to watch what is happening in Quebec right now," Mitchell said. "When you've invested so much over the course of so many years, yeah, it hurts. I don't want to leave on bad terms or say an nasty things because I have got so much respect for the Quebec industry. It's full of good people and great horsemen. It's tough to see it in the shape it is right now."


Graeme, for those who don't know, is the kind of salesman that could sell ice cubes to an eskimo...Attractions Hippiques really missed the bus when they let him go. But then again, it isn't too surprising, given their track record...
Best of luck, GM, even though I know you'll be much better off with a company that actually understands what you're talking about (horse racing, I mean!) With AH, that was rarely the case.

Congraulations to Rideau for hiring one of the best horse racing personalities in the business!! Montreal's loss is Ottawa's gain!! All the best

Attractions Hippiques couldn’t have had a better man on the job. It must have been a very sad day when he had to walk away from the place that he was loyal to for so many years. Rideau is very fortunate to be getting one of the greatest people the publicity of the sport has ever seen or heard. All the best to you at Rideau whether it be on TV or Radio!

I had the pleasure to develop Graeme Mitchel into "The Living Legend" Graeme Mitchel. He never fails to impress when it comes to his insights into harness and thoroughbred handicapping. I'm sure Ontario racing will embrace him with open arms and I wouldn't be surprised to see him make the jump to the more illustrious WEG circuit. He truely is "The Living Legend" and I am very excited to see him here in Ontario!!

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