Hair Determines Dominant Hoof?

Researchers in the Republic of Ireland have said that the direction of the hair on a horse's head curls can determine whether the animal is left or right-handed.

An article by Nature News states that if a trainer knows a horse's dominant hoof the information could result in better on-track performances.

The article cites a study published in Behavioural Processes. The study saw University of Limerick veterinarians Jack Murphy and Sean Arkins classified a total of 219 racehorses, show-jumpers and 'eventers' as left or right- hoofed. The classifications were based on the judgement of expert riders, as well as by tests such as which hoof the horses led with when beginning to walk, and which side they chose to go round an obstacle.

Researchers showed that out of the 104 left-hoofed horses, 78 or 75% had anticlockwise hair whorls. Out of 95 horses that favoured the right side, 64 or 67% had clockwise whorls.

To read the article in its entirety, click here.

(With files from Nature News)


I knew this and used it to my advantage for years!! Very important!! Leads are very important also, makes a horse more comfortable while racing.

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