Is McMeekin "Saving The Industry"?


In an article published by CBC on Monday discussing the OMAFRA Panel Report on transitioning racing from the slots-at-racetracks program, Minister of Agriculture Ted McMeekin noted, “Often at races, you'd see four horses racing for three prizes and empty stands. We can't be giving out $40,000 in prizes with no one in the stands.”

Link to story: Horse industry collapsing, Hamilton area experts say

Trot Insider obtained data for standardbred races conducted with a purse over the last decade in Ontario. The statistics show that 1 in every 1,387 races had four horses or less, or 0.07 per cent of all races contested. The average purse for these "oft-contested" races was not obtained.


Living in the states, I see politicians using no common sense on a daily basis. But wow, your guys have taken it to a whole new level. The notion that government is "for the people" is no longer. Government protects the people that can get them elected, and that's the rich. It's also,unfortunately, not about right or wrong. The only counter is to have someone with lots of political clout to show your side of the story, and make a case to the politicians how your side can help them. The horse racing industry in Canada doesn't have a person or people like that, that I can see. It's really too bad too, because when you really break down the numbers of tax revenue lost through the claiming of horses, feed, tack, pari mutuel wagering, and a bunch of other sources, the government is going to put a whole lot of people out of work for very little extra money. This government made the states politicians look normal, which I thought was not possible.

The Liberal party has proven time and time again that they don't do any actual research before they make a decision. Obviously, Mr. Godfrey has fed them a line of crap that they swallowed 100% and gone with it. One would have thought that with the Libs destined to a distant third next election, Mr. McMeekin would be trying to save his own seat, reputation and credibility; simply pick up the phone to SC, the Thorobred association and the Quarter Horse people to get some actual facts before going public with such absolute nonsense. How dense does he think we all are?

I was willing to give him some time and latitude to do the right thing, but apparently my good will was wasted.

The McGuinty government sabbotaged the horse racing industry in order to clear the path for the competition---Mr. Godfrey's plan to turn Ontario in to a "Las Vegas". Now Mr. McMeekin criticizes what is left of it as people getting out of the business scramble to find alternative homes for their horses or just send them to the stockyards out of desperation. Take a look at the entries for Western Fair, Mr. McMeekin. We can't get our horses in to race. I've seen short fields for the thoroughbreds on occasion and that is the segment of the industry that the panel decided was worth supporting. Is there anybody in this government that actually has a clue about anything that is going on in our province? Obviously not!

For the love of all things Equine, will Mr. Hudak finally jump in on this? McMeekin doesnt know which end of the horse gets milked. Good thing he has a government job because I'll bet he couldnt sell books either.

At least Taras Natyshak should get in front of a camera at this point. He loves that. I will wait for Dave Perkins to write a humdinger of an article in the star.

Georg Leber-ICR Racing

I have too many comments to comment.....but I would like to own one of the 4 horses racing "often" for $40K.

Shame, Shame Mr. McMeekin! so sad, you are the best Mr. McGuinty could find to represent Rural Ontario and Agriculture!
Once again a Liberal MPP has opened his mouth, before engaging the brain. This has been an ongoing debate for 8 months now, yet still the "Minister of Agriculture" who is supposed to represent our industry, hasn't a clue when it comes to Horse Racing in Ontario.
I challenge Mr. McMeekin to back up his statement:

“Often at races, you'd see four horses racing for three prizes and empty stands. We can't be giving out $40,000 in prizes with no one in the stands.”

Where Mr. McMeekin, have you seen "Often", four horses racing for three prizes?

Race Secretaries all over this Province, should be outraged at such a libellous statement, when the whole point of their job, is to write conditions, combine conditions to race full fields! Hopefully, one or more of them, will jump in and refute this statement!!!

Once again, the media (CBC) has been used by this Government to spread nonsensical propoganda regarding Horse Racing. Sadly, there are many in the public who will hear or read this misinformation and believe it.

Mr. McMeekin should hang his head in shame for making such absurd, illogical statements about an industry he has proven time and time again, he knows nothing about! Such lies about the business of, and people within the 2nd largest sector of the Industry he is supposed to represent and support are absolutely unforgiveable!

Obviously Mr McKeekin has never heard the wise old saying "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt". Or likely he has heard the saying but he may not be smart enough to know that it applies to him. He simply continues to be the "poster child" for the lack of understanding that the Ontario Liberals have for this industry.

Brings to mind the old adage "Its better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and prove it"

It,s all been said. If he wants full stands like the old days take away all casinos,bingo parlors, lotteries and go back to the way it used to be.Get in touch with the real world Mr Minister.

Is it possible that a Minister of Agriculture could be so out of touch with horse racing that he would think the 3 prizes are the same as bettor's 3 prizes,...... "Win, Place, and Show"? I would bet that Ontario has such a minister.

The blind leading the blind. Of course sales are down- anyone who can read the results will see that the Ontario sired horses aren't doing as well as they used to,not only in Ontario but in all the American sales. The U.S. sired horse are doing fairly well. The facts are that the Canadian buyers are buying American horses and leaving the Ont. ones behind. And who can blame them?

This government, which is at least 8 years behind it's "best by" date, has staffed it's cabinet with people who don't know what their portfolio is, and don't care to become educated about it. The good news is that you will be hard pressed to find a Liberal with a seat outside downtown Toronto come the end of March.

Sure would like to see a list of all those 4 horse races, I could probably bet and make some money!

speechless. excuse me Ted...Please resign. You obviously dont care about your portfolio.

Where does his information come from? In the 25 yrs I have been involved in racing I have not seen less than the top five horses receive a percentage of purse money. And $40000 a race?? That would be nice if it was true! How can someone so clueless possibly help us?

He is exactly right on racing is going down every where across north america. Well he has one thing right. But now can he tell me why, he dosen't have the answer for that. I will talk about Saskatchewan where i race. Same thing racing was supose to be over March 2013, but for who, well as we fined out here is Saskatchewan The Standardbreds are the ones that are done, why Saskatchewan Goverment. They are giving the 10 % tax back to racing, wonderful, the only problem with that is the thoroughbred controlls all the simulcasts in Saskatchewan where most of the money is bet, they have the slots as well, now our slots are nothing close to BC, ALBT, OR Ont. But they still get the revinew from them. The Thoroughbreds raced for 958000.00 last year why we the StandardBreds got a big 400000.00. Why Dosen't the goverment make the playing feild a little more even, we are all going through the same, the only thing that is different is that Ontario is on a much larger playing field. Alberta isn't that far behind and once it happens in Ontario the rest won't take long to follow.It's sad the way Standardbreds are getting treated across this country.

Shawn W

So now the Agriculture Minister has harness racing confused with a Fall Fair? Four horses and three prizes? I would like him to provide an example of this.

Mr. McMeekin is clueless on anything relating to racing obviously.

McMeekin has no clue on what he is talking about and to think that he is our Minister of Agriculture???.... Makes me sick to my stomach.... He, McGuinty and Duncan are obviously in the same league when it comes to running the affairs of Ontario. Better he go back to his book store and maybe take the time to read some of those books that he sells. I can recommend several in order to enhance his knowledge on agriculture, horse racing & breeding and the rural economy.

Jan 25th will not come soon enough so that an election can be held not to long after and get them out of there, keep hearing the same over and over and over, NDP and PC leaders need to step up to the plate soon and say what they would do if........... they seem to be laying pretty low in the matter lately,

See that big hat he is wearing he has got to stop speaking through it. Embarassing is not the word I would like to use.
Please Mr Minister clarify the four horse races at which venue and when. As for no one in the stands and paying 40k in purse money. Iam glad to see the govt has never had any intentions of holding up its part of the slot revenue revenue agreement the truth at last. What he has missed out is its all about HANDLE today you do not have to be at the track to wager. Having just returned from the Breeders Cup everyone around the world holds the Ontario model of racing in high esteem to the point they have duplicated it. Now they are wondering what is going on. The easiest answer would be to say they are wearing their cowboy hats to tight. We still have a chance to save the day but not with this govt with someone who knows and supports the industry. As for the Minister GIDDY UP AND RIDE OF INTO THE SUNSET HAPPY TRAILS .......

Everytime Ted McMeekin says anything he reaffirms that he does not understand the subject and is touting the party line. We pay him good money for this? Retire Ted you are finished. Your Liberal party is finished ruining Ontario. Just think what I would say to his face. Bruce T. Winning

How is he the Ministry of Agriculture again? He overseas a portfolio that he knows nothing about. What a statement to make. It is more of the Liberal spin like "horseracing or healthcare". It is so sad that so many people have their lives in these politicians hands.

Once again the Liberal propaganda machine strikes. Yes, Ontario sales are down, guess why ? Maybe the government had something to do with it by ending SARP and doing absolutely nothing concrete to help the industry. Sales at Lexington were up 5 % in spite of poor numbers for Ontario breds.
We are in big trouble with an agriculture minister who would not know the difference between a cow and a horse.
It is so frustrating to see a government that is clueless.

"Four horses racing for three prizes"??? Good thing he understands the sport! Wow.

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