Horwath To McGuinty: Don't Prorogue Parliament


In a statement issued Monday night after the resignation of Ontario's Premier Dalton McGuinty, Ontario's NDP Leader Andrea Horwath feels that "work shouldn’t stop while the Liberal party focuses on leadership" and asked that Ontario's government stay in session.

The statement from Horwath thanked McGuinty for "his years of service to people of Ontario. I know political life is often thankless but the work we do here is important. I want to thank the Premier for making those sacrifices and his family, who I know, have made their share of sacrifices too."

With that said, Horwath and the NDPs do not support the Liberal call for prorogation of parliament.

"The people who make this province work everyday sent us here to do a job ... Prorogation effectively cancels hearings on the multi-million cost of cancelled gas plants. That matter alone is concerning but the fact is, there is important work we need to do here in the Legislature. People are worried about finding and keeping good jobs. They’re worried about the growing cost of everyday life. They’re looking for family doctors and hospitals that can deliver care when they need it."

Horwath reinforced the need to serve the people that elected the MPPs and hopes that McGuinty will agree that "the work we do here is too important to simply stop now."

PC Leader Tim Hudak did not issue an official statement as of Tuesday morning but was appearing on CBC Radio and Toronto's AM640 to discuss the matter.


Time for every one to write, e mail or whatever to tell Lt. Governor not to allow the Liberals to get away with this.

I agree that business should continue in parliment BUT how can she say that the people " sent us here to do a job" and did these same people not expect a party to vote on a budget ,,not once but twice her party didnt seem to care about the people........Politicians say anything to try and sound good.

I think that this is the final nail in our coffin. McGuinty has accomplished what he & Duncan wanted all along. Kill the horse racing Industry. With his proragation of parliament he has stop any help from the transition panel, if there was to be any. He has stopped the reading of Marty McNaughton's bill for referendums. The OLG will strong arm their way into any City that they have their eyes on. He has also stopped the opposition from presenting contemp motions but most of all he has prevented any hope we had for a non confidence vote. It is more important now then ever that we persue more drastic measures if we want even a hope for the future horse racing industry in Ontario. THE ONLY REASON HE IS RESIGNING IS TO STICK IT TO ONTARIO AND THE OPPOSITION PARTIES.He is always one step ahead of them. Just think, with his smarts, where he could have taken Ontario. Andrea should have defeated the Liberals when her party had the chance. It's over now but I still have hope the Lieutenant General might overturn his proroge decision. If not we will all have many many more sleepless nights as we try to, at the very least, save our horses lives.

Mr. McGuinty...What about all the loose ends? The Horse Industry is drowning here!!! We need the announcement from the task force. People are despondent; this is just another kick in the teeth to the Horse Industry! Everyone needs to ask the opposition parties to appeal to the Lieutenant General to override the prorogue decision.

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