Auciello To Release An Album?

When Carmen Auciello isn’t training his standardbreds, he’s singing and playing the guitar in a band.

For over four years, Auciello and his bandmate, Kyle Norton, have played together in their band called '2 Down,' touring a few small bars and restaurants in their hometown of Stouffville, Ontario. Auciello does most of the singing and both play guitar.

On Saturday, September 29, runners in the Giddy Up & Gallop Fun Run and racing fans at Mohawk Racetrack will have the chance to hear 2 Down perform.

“2 Down was meant to symbolize a two-man band where each of us are a couple of buddies that really enjoy what we do, and play music because we love it.” Auciello explained. “We play a mixture of classic rock, new country and alternative rock. Very easy listening and easy to sing. Most people will know almost every song we play.

“My true love is training horses, but I have always had a bit of a musical gift that I hate to let go to waste. I love to sing, and learned to play guitar because of my love of singing.”

Carmen and his father, Rocco, currently train 26 horses on their farm in Port Perry, Ont. Carmen has been in the business full time for 10 years and he’s en route to a career best season in 2012 with 53 winners, 64 seconds and 70 thirds to his credit for almost $686,000 in purse earnings.

What are Auciello’s goals for his singing career? “I have been planning on making an album of my own for many years now, just haven't had the time to finish it. That plan is still in the works, and although I fully don't expect to ever make a living in music, it would be cool to have a professional album someday!”

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