MacDonald To Run As PC Candidate

Anthony MacDonald, one of Canada's top harness drivers, is on the verge of running for the Progressive Conservative party in the next provincial election in the riding of Guelph–Wellington.

The 35-year-old Guelph, Ont. resident and Prince Edward Island native is expected to be officially cleared by the Progressive Conservative party on Wednesday night to seek nomination in the riding, which is currently held by Liberal Liz Sandals.

MacDonald's decision to run for candidacy was made in response to the Liberal government's announcement earlier this year that the Slots-At-Racetracks program will end next March.

“The more times I go to Queen's Park the more I realize that there are a lot of people down there who are just looking for a job. And that was something that I was very clear about with the PC party. I told them, 'I have a job... I don't want a job, but I want this to be rectified,” MacDonald was quoted as saying in a Guelph Mercury article by Dave Briggs. “I don't want to see [the horse racing industry] ruined and I especially don't want to see the people crushed that helped put me in the position I am today.

“It's not like I'm riding around on a white horse telling everybody that I can fix everything, but hopefully I can start a parade of people that want things done right in this province, and not just in our industry, but in all industries,” said MacDonald.

According to the Guelph Mercury article, Allan Boynton, president of the Guelph PC Riding Association, said MacDonald is "a very credible candidate."

“People usually get involved with politics for two reasons: one is for power and the other is for money and he's not getting involved for either/or and that's a special thing, as far as I'm concerned,” Boynton was quoted as saying.

(With files from the Guelph Mercury)


Good for you Anthony. Something I always wanted to do but too late now. If you want to win start with Mr. Hudak - tell him to stop slamming labour laws and showing his dislike for unions. He is committing political suicide.

I applaud and congratulate Anthony for wanting to commit to public service. My only hope is when you see how politics is done you don't become discouraged. It's a tough cut throat business, even worse than horse racing, fund raising getting to meet your fellow citizens and ask for their support at the ballot box, learning the issues of the day, a really full time job. May your words, actions and deeds carry you to the winners' circle if your going to give up something like driving and training horses to help your fellow Ontarians. Bravo A Mac!

As President of the Guelph PC riding association, We are very pleased to have Anthony MacDonald seeking the nomination for our party here in Guelph. I wanted to let all the industry people know that over time, Anthony will need your help to get involved and ensure your voice is heard at Queen's Park. He is a great candidate at and away from the racetrack and supporting him in anyway possible is key. If you would like to get more involved in our local association or help please feel free to contact me. Thank you - Allan Boynton [email protected]

You can bet when you put Anthony MacDonald behind the wheel, he's out to win. Congrats Anthony. Rural Ontario needs you at the helm. Best of Luck.


I have long respected anyone that drove a horse, especially where each racehorse has a personality and anything can happen in a race and usually does...Congratulating your decision to enter politics is not enough ,I for one hope to offer financial support and help in the next election.It's only a matter of time before their is an election in Kitchener and we have to defeat the people who are attempting to destroy our industry ! We cannot have him winning that seat to make it a liberal majority! In the meantime We have the next battle Saturday 21st at Georgian Downs which the Innisville press and barrie news and their politicians have promised to attend and speak on the end of the slots agreement with the standardbred racing.....Halton has stated they will have to raise their property taxes 25 percent when MOHAWK closes WAIT TILL THE RESIDENTS HEAR ABOUT GEORGIAN CLOSING? PLEASE COME TO THE RALLY ON SATURDAY....Tom kelly

FINALLY... someone with the balls to step up. Good on you pal. we need someone that can dig and fight for our jobs. All the best and keep up the hard work.
fair stables

Well everything should turn out okay has a man on the inside.

Congratulations, Anthony. I wish you well in your effort to become a Conservative MPP and admire you for even getting into the race. That's putting your money where your mouth is--something too many of us fail to do. All the best.

Good stuff A.Mac!! Ever think of relocating from Guelph to Kitchener-Waterloo to run as the PC candidate in their by-election this Fall (Witmer's seat)? This will be a very key election for the Fiberals.

A very good time to get your name in there. You will get in, due to the rural vote, and we wanted this all the time from the start.

I take my hat off to you.

Well Done man ........Lets not stop there ...... saw an ad at a bus stop today with a harness horse on it and the words wouldnt u rather have better health care than this ........ the money the govt is spending to justify this is criminal the day Orange Air are in front of Members of Parliment explaining mis use of govt money ...... then an ad on the radio Doctors against the govt. Their is an underlying theme folks and we cannot be fooled forever make sure you take your whip in the house Tony when elected you will need it ......

Way to go A-Mac !!! If you can help take charge of the industry as well as you take charge of a race, I am confident you will make things happen for sure. Good Luck !!!

Little fella from P.E.I (A BIG FELLA), a hard working down to earth tax paying person is willing to go up against the corruption in our gouvernement to see if he can't do some good CONGRADULATION ANTHONY, this is what the people need, HARD WOKING TAX PAYING HUMAN BEINGS TO RUN THIS COUNTRY AND NOT THE GREEDY PEOPLE WE HAVE NOW. Out with the LAWYERS in politics, who write the laws for there benefit, look what TRUDEAU did he signed the constitution and created 100,000 jobs, for 100,000 lawyers for the next 100,000 years,are we not lucky to have had a prime minister like him, and MARTIN, his Canada steamship lines was registered in another country so he would not have to pay canadian taxes and so on down the line. It might be a good idea to get a hold of thoses b ooks, documents that MR JAMES mentionned, this younger generation does not know what goes on behind close doors.LET'S ALL TAKE A LOOK A BIG MONEY, people who pay big money to put these people in politics for future favors, and there are no exceptions beleive me. Have a good day.Ron

You've got my vote. It would be nice to have an honest person to vote for .Not just the lesser of 3 evils.

Good luck Anthony if I was in your riding I would certainly vote for you, just by listening to your speech at the gathering at queens park had me thinking this guy has outstanding leadership qualities. Good luck with your pursuit of a seat in the legislature

Good for you Anthony, If you go at this with half the heart and passion that you show to your current career you should knock them out of their seats, *No pun intended. All the best

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