CTV's Tilley: "It's A Travesty"

Add CTV sports anchor Joe Tilley to the long list of people confused and angered by the Ontario government's decision to end the slots at racetracks partnership with Ontario's horse racing industry.

During the 11:00 p.m. news broadcast on CFTO last Wednesday, Tilley prefaced his preview of what will be Fort Erie's last Prince Of Wales Stakes by stating his position on new OLG's modernization strategy that cuts its agreement with racetracks.

"It hit me hard again today when I heard that Fort Erie Racetrack was going to close after 115 years," stated Tilley. "The government used racetracks to whet the public's appetite for slots; an easy sell since they were already gambling at those facilities. Then [the government] pulled the rug out from under them by taking that money away from the industry. Thousands of hard-working horsemen are going to be left without jobs; it's a travesty."

On Tuesday, the Canadian Auto Workers Union made headlines when it announced that it has called on Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty to put an immediate hold on the withdrawal of slot machines from Ontario's racetracks.


Thank you CTV and Joe. If the other MEDIA GIANTS would put in a few favorable words, it would be greatly appreciated by all. LET THE GREATER PUBLIC KNOW what the liberals are doing to the FARMING INDUSTRY AND IT'S AFFILIATES. Thank you once again and have a GOOD DAY.

Thank you Joe, for acknowledging the cause. Of all pending track closures, certainly Fort Erie is the most tragic and nostalgic. I worked in major market media for over thirty years and was sensitive to providing fair coverage to horse racing. There were times when it was a delicate balance bridge between the positive and negative news in gamer/sport. There has been less negative news in recent years, but, horse racing has lagged behind other sporting activities educating media people. For those who enjoy recreational gaming, horse racing is the finest form. There is color, the spectacle of a trained animal athlete, and the cerebral challenge of picking a winner.
Unfortunately, the main stream media over the last forty years, has not understood the lure. That buzz has not been passed on to the public. I applaud Grand River for thinking outside the box, with marketing to their community and promoting the stars. The stars are the horses and the people wearing colours. SAR has allowed track operators and horse people to get soft and lazy. The heat is on. Reach out to the media to promote, understand, and appreciate horse racing. It can be done. Time for a full court press.

I would personally like to thank Joe Tilley for his support of this great industry. I am not sure why Mainstream media have not picked up on the stand this government has taken against us. Most people that no me knows that i am a proud participant in this industry and most of them do not have any ideal what is happening .Lets blow the wad on a strong message to the general public that what this government is doing is WRONG and there is something we can do about it.
To me 60,000 people have a strong voice that is not being heard and our message has to be made public to all of Ontario and then see what happens.

Thanks for the rant

It is too bad that more networks & stations, especially in Toronto where they don't even seem to know this is happening, would give greater coverage to this situation that the Precious Liberals have created. The Billboards are there and they are great, and of course the articles in the Star, but TV covers a wide audience also. get on it CBC, GLOBAL, and repeat the news on CTV at every opportunity...it will take repetition to tune in Torontonians

Wouldn't it be nice if more of the media could speak up on our behalf. Joe is correct this is a travesty of great magnitude. No one really knows the real effect that it will have on racing, on rural Ontario & last but not least on the economy of our great province. We do know however that it will be devastating to all of us, including the horses.We should start a campaign and target the media. Although sending them Emails & letters doesn't work . I have done all that & I am still sending them information

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