Fort Erie To Prepare To Close

According to Jim Thibert, at the Fort Erie Live Racing Consortium's annual general meeting, which is to take place Tuesday, June 12, the discussion will not be about how to keep the 115-year-old Fort Erie Race Track viable, but what has to be done to shut the doors on the historic facility.

In an article by John Robbins for Bullet News, Thibert, the CEO of the FELRC, which operates the raceway, stated that his organization is committed to see the rest of the scheduled 2012 thoroughbred season through, but that a realistic closing date of March 31, 2013 is getting closer every day.

"I think we’ll be revising our business plan to reflect not an ongoing operation, but a closure,” he was quoted as saying last night. “The question is how and when.”

Robbins went on to add that the 2012 season of live racing at the border track is "rock solid as long as we have horses, as long as we have staff and as long as we have patrons.”

(With files from Bullet News)

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WHY has Tim Hudak NOT HELPED Fort Erie???
Has he forgotten where he comes FROM???

REMEMBER the little border town that will be left with NO HOSPITAL NO JOBS
and MANY people left to go on WELFARE!!!!!

TOO bad a CANADIAN didn't buy the track.

This could be the first of many casualties resulting from the arrogant and misguided decisions of our Liberal Government and the OLG. Recent OLG Financials clearly indicate that the small charity Casinos and the slots at race tracks have significantly outperformed the three major "privately run" resort Casinos ... and yet they (the OLG and Liberals) continue to push full speed ahead with their plans to build major PRIVATELY OPERATED Casinos in several Ontario centers.

The OLG, however, appears to be in no hurry to publicly disclose their Annual Reports for 2011 and 2012 (their 2012 Fiscal Year ended on March 31st 2012).
Their Annual Reports are normally released in May of each year.
What is the OLG trying to hide by refusing to publicly disclose their 2011 and 2012 Financial Statements ?

When we rallied at Queen's Park one of the Fort Erie horsewomen's words on her poster ripped at my heart that day and they still do, it read "Fort Erie Stabbed in the Heart WHY". Still reeling from the shock of the announcement by our Government,I began to realize we, the horsemen and women of Windsor Raceway had been dealt the same blow. I wake up every morning and ask WHY?

This is a sad day for racing in Ontario. The NDP and Conservatives have done nothing but give lip service to all of us. Lets face it we put them in power and gave them the right to screw us. They are only concerned about their big picture not the thousands of jobs that will be lost. They all will get the cash for life pension for serving the people, what a joke they did nothing on our nickel.

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