Gural Supports Federal Regulation

Racetrack owner-operator Jeff Gural has again voiced his support for the idea of utilizing revenue derived from slot machines for drug testing, but he has now also stated that he is in support for federal regulation of the horse racing industry


Gural's stance has come to light via an article by The Ithaca Journal. The report starts off by focusing on the lives of former racehorses, but it ends up casting its light on Gural, who states his feeling regarding the funding for drug testing and the national regulation of the game.

"We do have a problem with illegal medication and I think we should use some of the slots money to help fund additional drug testing," he said.

Gural went on to say, "At the state level, all racetracks are regulated by state racing commissions. We would probably be better off if there was one central governing body, which is why a proposal bringing the federal government into play would make sense if it were done right."

(With files from The Ithaca Journal)

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