New Starting Gate For Meadowlands

The new slanted starting gate at Meadowlands Racetrack

When harness live racing kicks off on Saturday, Feb. 15, fans and horsepeople will notice a new 2024 Ford 150 starting gate.

Designed and built by Michigan-based Don Marotta, the new staggered starting gate provides a 14-foot advantage for the horse in the 10th spot on the gate. The Meadowlands’ previous starting gate allowed for a 12-foot advantage. The gate attempts to level the chances of those horses starting from the outside posts.

The new slanted starting gate at Meadowlands Racetrack

“A staggered gate is something the drivers and trainers have been asking for a while,” according to Jason Settlemoir, COO & GM of Meadowlands Racetrack. “When it was time to replace our old gate, Jeff [Gural] and I decided on the staggered gate. We want to make it as even a playing field as we can for both the horsemen and our wagering public.”

The gate was tested during qualifiers on Saturday morning by Meadowlands starter Merle “Moe” LaFontaine.

(Meadowlands Racetrack)

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